We want to know about what we are doing well and what we need to improve. Your feedback can help us to provide a better service.
You can lodge a complaint, provide a compliment, or give a suggestion.
How can I make a complaint or provide feedback?
Fill out our online feedback form.
Email us
- Concessions: concessions@sa.gov.au
- Disability Services: dhsdisabilityservices@sa.gov.au
- Restrictive Practices Unit: DHSRestrictivePracticesUnit@sa.gov.au
- Safer Family Services: DHSSaferFamilyServicesFeedback@sa.gov.au
- Screening Unit: DHSScreeningUnit@sa.gov.au
- Office of the Chief Executive: enquiries@dhs.sa.gov.au
- Youth Justice: DHSYouthJusticeFeedback@sa.gov.au
- Grants SA: grantssa@sa.gov.au
Phone us Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
- Concessions Hotline: 1800 307 758
- Disability Services: 1800 952 962
- Screening Unit: 1300 321 592
- Office of the Chief Executive: 8413 9050
- Youth Justice: 1300 021 829
- Grants SA 1300 650 985
- Restrictive Practices Unit 1800 862 004
- Translating and Interpreter Service: 131 450
- National Relay Service TTY/voice calls: 133 677
- National Relay Service Speak and Listen: 1300 555 727
In person at any DHS office
Write a letter and send to:
DHS Client Feedback
GPO Box 292
Adelaide SA 5001
What happens next?
We will share your compliment with the person or area.
We will pay attention to your complaint and try to find a solution. We will tell you what happens with your complaint.
We will ensure the right person follows up your feedback and will contact you about any action or decision.
If you are still not satisfied
You have the right to refer matters to:
- Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner
- phone Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm on 8226 8666
- Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner website
- Ombudsman SA
- phone Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm on 8226 8699
- Ombudsman SA website
Customer Feedback and Complaints Policy
Our Customer Feedback and Complaints Policy is available for you to read or download.
DHS Disability Services Complaints and Feedback
We have many feedback and complaint options for the people we support in DHS Disability Services.
We encourage you to give us feedback or complaints to help us improve