Partner initiatives

Privacy statement and consent obligations

Privacy Statement

The Department of Human Services will use information collected from this form for the purpose of publicising the activities of the Community Connections Program. You are not lawfully required to submit a response. In accordance with DHS’ Privacy Policy, the Department of Human Services undertakes to treat any personal information provided by you as confidential and only for the purposes indicated above.  Any information submitted will only be retained for such time as necessary to carry out the purposes for which the information is collected or as required by law. Email addresses and any other contact details you provide will not be provided to a third party or added to a mailing list without your consent.  For further information please email

Consent Obligations - Photos and videos

DHS cannot use any uploaded files until consent from all people has been provided and/or sighted.

We prefer that all people depicted in videos, photos or audio files have given their consent before you upload any file. However, if this is not possible at the time, please gain their consent as soon as possible after you have been informed that DHS intend to publish any files.

Mandatory questions

Questions marked with a star must be answered.

For example, any barriers to overcome, program concerns, implementation techniques, initiatives, system support implemented and networking opportunities, mutual connections.
Limit 3,000 characters/550 words
Limit 3,000 characters/550 words
About you
Photos and Videos
I have permission to use uploaded images
I grant permission to publish
I understand content may be shown in a public environment
Maximum 4 files, not exceeding 10 MB in total. Individual file sizes not to exceed 2.5MB each.
Please provide information about what is shown in each of the images.

Page last updated 17 May 2024