How can Community Connections benefit you?
The experience of each Community Connections Program participant looks different. Reading about what has worked for a small sample of participants from all over the state gives a better idea of how the program works, how the program partners work together, and how the program can help strengthen connection to the community or to access services.
Helping Annie to believe in herself
Community Connections Stories
19 January 2024
Skylight Mental Health’s Community Connections team recently told us about Annie* who was seeking culturally safe social connections, sobriety, improved health and financial circumstances, and a return to studies.

Creating community in a neglected space
Community Connections Stories
15 December 2023
When members from a Bhutanese social group mentioned that they miss growing their own food, it took more than one Community Connections partner to find a solution. But find one, they did.

How Dungeons and Dragons helped Owen to spread his wings
Community Connections Stories
19 September 2023
Assisting Owen with an interest inspired him to socialise and work on long term goals.

When teamwork makes the dream work
Community Connections Stories
10 August 2023
A community garden project on the Limestone Coast has unified several participants of the Community Connections Program (CCP), fostering a shared sense of purpose and belonging among them.

Art, a job, and a doctor that listens
Community Connections Stories
27 July 2023
During Craig’s time in the program, he used art classes to socially connect with others while taking care of his mental health.

What a difference 12 weeks can make
20 July 2023
Jane had been on medication for schizophrenia for many years... she was struggling to control her emotions and had suicidal thoughts.

Lost in translation
Community Connections Stories
13 July 2023
Sangay, a 46-year-old Bhutanese man, had hearing loss in his right ear. This depressed him and kept him housebound except for when he had to see his GP.

Bravery and laughter in the face of social anxiety
Community Connections Stories
6 July 2023
After suffering multiple traumas, Laura decided to take a couple of years off and work on her mental health.