Share your story

The Community Connections Program supports people to build stronger social and community connections, helping South Australia thrive.

We want to share stories of system and participant experiences on the Department of Human Services (DHS) website, and social media platforms such as Facebook and  LinkedIn. As these stories will be published on publicly accessible platforms, participant consent is essential, even if the story is de-identified. In some instances, the Minister’s Office may use and publish these stories.

There are three steps to getting a story published by DHS:

  1. Community Connections Partners are invited to submit a story outline of either a participant’s experience or how your region or organisation has responded to an identified community need. DHS recommends the share a story form is completed with or, at a minimum is, checked with the participant before submitting to DHS.
  2. DHS will review submissions and draft a story for review by you and the participant. DHS will not publish without participant consent of the final wording. Stories about system collaborations or initiatives may require approval by your management and partners / organisations mentioned or involved.
  3. If you provide a photo, video or audio consent in writing must be confirmed for DHS to use files. If no image is provided DHS will select an image aligned with the story.

Please see further information about the privacy statement and consent obligations towards the end of this page.

Share a story

Submit a story through the following form options:

A. Participant experience of the Community Connections Program – a story that relates to an individual participant's engagement with and outcome towards the goal that they set.

Participant experience form

B. Program Partner initiative, collaboration or a learning experience – a story that highlights an initiative or collaboration to respond to local needs or the learnings that have been gained during program implementation.

Program Partner initiative form

Page last updated 17 May 2024