Child Safe Environments Program

The Child Safe Environments program supports organisations providing services to children and young people to build and maintain environments that are both child safe and child friendly.

These are environments where children and young people:

  • are protected
  • feel respected, valued and encouraged to reach their full potential
  • are heard.

We do this by supporting:

As a prescribed organisation, the department has a Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy, which applies to all children, young people and families we work with.

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Safe Environments – Through Their Eyes Facilitator training area

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Child safe environments training

Training for organisations with staff and volunteers that provide services to children and young people.

Compliance statements

Organisations (including sole traders) providing services to children and young people must lodge a child safe environments compliance statement.


Creating a policy

Your child safe environments policy is part of your child safe environments compliance statement. It sets out the steps your organisation takes to promote the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.


Lodging your statement

Instructions for lodging your child safe environments compliance statement online.


Child Safe Environments resources

Guideline to writing a policy and further information.


Page last updated 9 April 2024