3G is shutting down and it may cause your personal alert device to stop working

3G is shutting down and it may cause your personal alert device to stop working

Fil wearing her emergency pendant

Older South Australians are urged to check if their personal alert devices are 4G compatible, before major telecommunications providers start switching off their 3G networks. This was scheduled to happen from 1 July 2024, but has been delayed to 1 September 2024.

The upcoming network shutdown will not only affect mobile phones but also personal and medical alert devices — such as pendants and call button devices, which allow a person to quickly and easily send for help in the event of an emergency like a fall.

How the alert device has helped Fil

Just like Fil Clemente from Southern Adelaide, who carries her personal alert system as a pendant around her neck, has experienced multiple times.

“I carry [it] with me all the time ... the moment I don't carry it, something happens. I've had four falls... I rely on this thing a lot,” she says.

“As soon as I press it, they say on the loud speaker 'help is on its way', so they've already rung an ambulance.”

As older devices reliant on 3G technology will stop working after the shutdown, Fil is getting her old device replaced with a new 4G-compatible system, and she encourages others to do the same.

"Get it upgraded, because I tell you, it is a lifesaver."

Please respond to our notifications and phone calls

Customers of Personal AlertSA, a state government program run by DHS that funds or subsidises devices and monitoring for eligible older people, can access support to upgrade to a 4G device — including options with no out-of-pocket cost.

Of the 11,000 South Aussies making use of Personal AlertSA, around 2200 haven’t responded to any notifications or phone calls to replace their devices. If you know someone who may be in this group of people, please have them call the Personal AlertSA Hotline as soon as possible on 1300 700 160.

Learn more about Personal AlertSA eligibility on the Concessions website.

Page last updated 8 May 2024