Celebrating outstanding youth justice staff

Celebrating outstanding youth justice staff


Outstanding youth justice staff from the frontline and behind the scenes have been recognised for their exceptional dedication to young people in the youth justice system at the inaugural SA Youth Justice Awards held on Friday 2 February.

Congratulations to the finalists and winners who were nominated by their colleagues in the categories of Quality Connections and Exceptional Practice.

Exceptional Practice category

Fiona Redford Youth Justice Award winner Recognising an individual, team or project that demonstrates the Australasian Youth Justice Administrators (AYJA) Principles of Youth Justice in Australia.

Winner - Fiona Redford

As Operations Manager with the Community Youth Justice (CYJ) team, Fiona was awarded for her high standard of exceptional practice, collaboration, leadership, accountability and reflective practice, for promoting evidence-based practice to social workers and for placing young people at the centre of everything she does. Fiona demonstrates a commitment to inspiring excellence among the CYJ teams, helping those who seek her support to reflect, improve their practice, increase their skills, and build the confidence necessary to effectively navigate complex systems.

Quality Connections Category

Aisea Raikiwasa Youth Justice Award winner Recognising an individual, team or project that has demonstrated outstanding collaborative practice, resulting in positive outcomes for children and young people in contact with the youth justice system.

Winner - Aisea Raikiwasa

With an extensive career spanning more than 30 years, Aisea, a youth worker at Kurlana Tapa, was recognised a genuine role model and a shining example of best practice in the industry who has positively impacted the lives of both young people and staff. Aisea was also recognised for his ability to adapt to any situation and create strong connections with young people thanks to his supportive and non-judgemental approach.

National Youth Justice events

Aisea and Fiona will now have the opportunity to represent South Australia at the National AYJA Awards, as well as attend the National AYJA Conference ‘Strengthening Connections: The Power of Relationships and Strong Service Partnerships’

Page last updated 13 February 2024