Royal Commission consultation tool shaped by voices of lived experience

Royal Commission consultation tool shaped by voices of lived experience

LEN and Embolden System Advisors with DHS and Royal Commission staff during the consultation

In September, the Child and Family Support System (CFSS) Lived Experience Network (LEN) joined forces with Embolden to shape a new tool to be used by the Royal Commission Into Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence (DFSV).

Share With Us is an online, anonymous consultation tool that will soon be a way for South Australians who have experienced DFSV to share their views with Royal Commissioner, Natasha Stott Despoja AO.

Consultation with system advisors

Existing LEN System Advisors, along with new Embolden Royal Commission System Advisors, met with executives from the Royal Commission to provide input into the tool ahead of its launch. They provided valuable feedback which included expanding the scope to include both current and historic experiences, recognising children with experiences of DFSV, consideration of financial status, and understanding the links between disability/chronic health and housing status with the experiences of DFSV.

In addition to helping the tool become better fit-for-purpose, the consultation was very well received by System Advisors, with LEN System Advisor Holly sharing her appreciation for the Royal Commission’s commitment to genuine engagement.

“They acknowledged it’s not just a box-ticking exercise and made a commitment to amplifying children’s voices,” she said.

A validating and healing discussion

Another System Advisor became emotional during the debrief when talking about how much it meant to her to be a part of the consultation – she felt it was the first time the system saw her and validated her experiences.

“This is an incredibly powerful reminder of the importance of engaging and connecting with people with lived experience beyond their 'client' status, as it can contribute to healing in ways that service delivery cannot,” Roshni Thattengat, Embolden Senior Policy Officer.

Lived experience shapes outcomes

This engagement was a great example of how listening to the voices of lived experience and partnering with the sector can positively shape engagement outcomes, as well as contribute to healing for those involved.

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Pictured: LEN and Embolden System Advisors with DHS and Royal Commission staff during the consultation

Page last updated 10 October 2024