Seeking feedback on South Australia's draft Youth Action Plan
The Department of Human Services (DHS) is inviting young people aged 15 to 25, youth-led organisations, and those who support young people to provide feedback on South Australia’s draft Youth Action Plan 2024–2027.
This is an exciting opportunity to deliver fair and equitable access to opportunities, resources and supports to young people, and ensure the government’s efforts truly meet their needs.
Prioritising young voices
DHS has actively partnered with South Australians aged 15 to 25 throughout the development of the plan. This includes three rounds of consultation, where young people’s voices were prioritised, and their feedback incorporated.
The plan incorporates 6 key themes identified by young people:
- Greater access to mental health support and services
- Connection to services and activities available in the young person’s community
- Increased access to age appropriate, affordable, and accessible sport and recreation activities or opportunities
- More support with post-school pathways, including the teaching of `life skills’ or `how to adult’
- Greater access to housing and rental accommodation
- Inclusion in decision-making.
The draft plan includes a total of 27 key actions covering these 6 themes, which have been carefully crafted, tested and refined with young people.
Have your say by 15 January 2025
The consultation is open via YourSAy until 15 January 2025 and the final plan will be launched during SA Youth Week in April 2025.
Seeking diverse views
Those with diverse needs, such as those with disability or neurodivergence, LGBTIQA+ young people, those from multicultural communities, Aboriginal people and young carers are particularly encouraged to get involved.