The first Autism Strategy launches in South Australia

The first Autism Strategy launches in South Australia


Today the Government of South Australia has launched the SA Autism Strategy 2024–2029, a significant milestone in the state’s journey to become a world leader in autism inclusion.

This Strategy, led by the Department of Human Services, is the first of its kind to be delivered and implemented in South Australia and it supports a whole-of-government approach to help improve the lives of Autistic people of all ages and their families.

The Government's commitments

The Strategy sets out a 5-year roadmap to build knowledge and understanding of autism and improve access and inclusion for Autistic people of all ages, across all areas of life.

Commitments have been established to:

  • support improved access to an autism diagnosis
  • promote positive educational experiences
  • ensure equal opportunities in employment
  • facilitate easier access to essential supports and services — including vital health and mental health supports
  • ensure equitable participation in the community
  • improve the experiences of Autistic people when coming into contact with the justice system.

The 7 focus areas in the Strategy

  • Pathways to diagnosis
  • Positive educational experiences
  • Thriving in the workplace
  • Access to supports and services
  • Participation in the community
  • Access to health and mental health services
  • Interactions with the justice system.

The voices of the Autistic and autism communities have been heard

In one of the largest public consultations held in South Australia on disability-related matters, the Autistic and autism communities shared their feedback to support co-designing the Strategy, with over 1,300 submissions received during two different consultation process held in 2023 and 2024.

Additionally, significant support and expertise has been provided by the State Autism Strategy Advisory Committee — a 13-member committee of Autistic people and/or parents and carers of an Autistic person — who were actively engaged in the development process.

The State Government committed to the voices, goals and aspirations of the Autistic and autism communities informing the Autism Strategy, and this commitment continues.

Next steps

Following today’s launch, the Department will continue to collaborate, consult and engage with the Autistic and autism communities, and wider South Australian community, to develop and implement action plans aligning with the commitments presented in the Strategy.

SA Autism Strategy 2024–2029

Page last updated 26 June 2024