
1369 results found for Dhs :

201 - DHS-1034-Client-Feedback-Form-2018_Generic_FA_Nepali_FinalWeb.pdf
Collection: Feedback and Complaints

202 - Aboriginal literary ambassador recognised at Young Achiever Awards

Congratulations to 17-year-old Shantae Barnes-Cowan, who won the DHS Aboriginal Achievement Award at the 2021 Seven News Young Achiever Awards on Friday 21 May. The Aboriginal Achievement Award was presented by DHS Chief Executive Lois Boswell and recognises contributions ...

203 - State-first training to better support Aboriginal families

Frontline staff will receive first-of-its-kind training to better support keeping Aboriginal families together and out of the child protection system. The training program is set to upskill the child and family early intervention workforce and equip workers with specialist ...

204 - Important change for organisations that work or volunteer with children

The National Principles for Child-Safe Organisations came into effect on 1 July 2021.

By law, all South Australian organisations and sole traders that work or volunteer with children and young people must: have a child-safe environments ...

205 - Information service to help South Australians live independently

An information service that provides practical advice and product information to help South Australians live independently will be delivered by local not-for-profit organisation Catalyst Foundation from 1 July 2021. The Department of Human Services (DHS) has collaborated with Catalyst ...

206 - Recruitment starts for SA’s new Aboriginal Language Interpreting Service

Recruitment for the establishment of a South Australian Aboriginal Language Interpreting Service has begun, with casual employment opportunities available for interpreters throughout many parts of the state. Their work is expected to assist State Government agencies, authorities as well ...

207 - Working to prevent gambling harm in SA

Earlier intervention and prevention of gambling harm in South Australia has been the focus of a forum bringing together the state’s funded gambling help services, industry bodies, the gambling regulator and researchers. The regular Community of Practice session, most ...

208 - Graduates

The DHS Graduate Program gives you opportunities to make a difference in the lives of South Australian individuals, families and communities. From day one, you will work on a range of projects, policies and services to support either our frontline ...

209 - DHS Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP)

Consultation is now open for our department’s draft DAIP, which supports the State Disability Inclusion Plan. Our DAIP sets out the actions we will take over the next four years to improve the accessibility and inclusiveness of our services ...

210 - Disability Support Workers

Applications now open DHS Disability Services accept applications throughout the year for Disability Support Workers. In this role, you will support people with disability to fully participate in all aspects of their lives at home and in the community. This ...

211 - Disability Outcome Statement 5 September 2023

Update as at 5 September 2023 The Disability Minister’s Advisory Council met for their third quarterly meeting on the 5 September 2023. The Minister spoke about her recent meeting with Flinders University on the Australian Hospitality Small and Medium Sized ...

212 - Carers

Almost 1 in 8 South Australians is a carerCarers change lives. To honour their work, which is often unpaid and informal, the South Australian Government introduced the South Australian Carers Recognition Act 2005. This Act acknowledges the valuable role of ...

213 - Employment and Financial Security

People with disability have economic security, enabling them to plan for the future, and exercise choice and control over their lives.Actions 1Continue to work collaboratively with the Commonwealth Government and the National Disability Insurance Agency to develop strategies to support ...

214 - Youth Minister's Advisory Council - Expressions of interest


215 - DHS Diversity and Inclusion

Embedding workplace diversity into everyday practice involves recognising the value of individual differences in people and positively embracing, harnessing and supporting these characteristics to achieve organisational and individual benefit. ...

216 - Youth Outcome Statement 8 November 2023

Update as at 8 November 2023 The Youth Minister’s Advisory Council met for their 4th Quarter Meeting on Wednesday 8 November 2023. Along with meeting with Minister Nat Cook, the Council met with Karen Hunt from Department for Innovation, Industry ...

217 - Glossary

TermDefinitionAboriginal Within this document Aboriginal refers to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.Accessible Formats Accessible format is the term used to describe alternative communication formats for people who have difficulties accessing information. Sometimes the term ‘alternative formats’ is used.Auslan Australian ...

218 - DEMO Grant Page


219 - Carers_v2


220 - Consultation to better recognise our state's carers closes this Friday

DHS is leading a review of the Carers Recognition Act, including a comprehensive consultation process. Last week, representatives from State Government departments and non-government organisations that support carers met to have their say on how the Carers Recognition Act ...

221 - Safer Family Services workers

!function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)}; if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script', ''); fbq('init', '1806288393129011'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); Applications open Do you want to make a difference to vulnerable families in South Australia? DHS Safer Family Services accepts applications throughout the year for roles that ...

222 - Developing South Australia’s Youth Action Plan 2024-2027

DHS recently invited the community to share their ideas on the key issues affecting young people as we develop South Australia’s Youth Action Plan 2024-2027. Consultation has now concluded and we thank everyone who took the time to share ...

223 - More support in Adelaide’s north to help families to stay together

Hundreds more at-risk families and children in Adelaide’s north will receive early support to remain safely together at home thanks to a new team of social workers now on the ground providing services. More than 20 staff have started ...

224 - Intensive Family Services Service Model

Family Practitioners utilise a variety of practice approaches to understand and support families’ cultural, social, and environmental circumstances. Determinations about which approaches to apply are informed by the presenting needs of the family and what will best support and ...

225 - Footer column 3

The Department of Human ServicesTalk to us.Feedback and ComplaintsEmail us.Riverside Centre, North Terrace
Adelaide SA 5000 .ficon { font-size: 20px; text-align: center; min-width: 40px; margin: auto; } ...