Disability Outcome Statement 5 September 2023

Update as at 5 September 2023

The Disability Minister’s Advisory Council met for their third quarterly meeting on the 5 September 2023. The Minister spoke about her recent meeting with Flinders University on the Australian Hospitality Small and Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) Toolkit. Members were interested in providing feedback on behalf of the Council which will be facilitated by the Department for Human Services.

The Minister provided an update on the Disability Reform Ministerial Council (DRMC) meeting on 23 June 2023 which included discussion on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and the National Autism Strategy. The Council provided feedback on the NDIS and suggested opportunities for improvement. The Council was informed that the Disability Royal Commission findings will be received on 29 September.

Members enquired regarding extension of the South Australian Transport Subsidy Scheme (SATSS) and improvement in public transport accessibility. The Minister advised that she is working with the Minister for Transport on these matters.

The Assistant Minister for Autism provided an update on her role as Assistant Minister for Autism and the Autism Strategy consultation that is being led by the Department for Human Services. She went on further to explain the progress South Australia is already making prior to the implementation of the State Autism Strategy.

The DHS brought the State Disability Inclusion Plan Discussion Paper to the Council and explained their role in the development of the new Plan and implementation. The Council provided feedback on the Discussion Paper, which DHS incorporated, prior to public release.

The Disability Minister’s Advisory Council will meet for the final time this year on 9 November 2023.

Page last updated 9 January 2024