Disclosure Log
The Department of Human Services Disclosure Log holds all the information we've shared with people under the Freedom of Information Act since 1 October 2017.
It does not include information that, for privacy reasons, we cannot share as stated under the Freedom of Information Act.
A copy of the invoices or purchase card transactions related to expenditure by the Office of the Minister, where the expenditure is recorded in the General Journal with an Object Code of “77586”. Timeframe: 17/03/2018 to 22/03/2022
Copies of documents including but not limited to emails, briefings and memorandums regarding executive coaching, including names and titles of executive employees who have undertaken executive coaching, number of sessions, copies of invoices, name of service providers and cost. Timeframe: 21/03/2022 - 25/08/2023
Digital copies of all documents and correspondence relevant as to whether Renewal SA has the legal authority to assist the sale of the private property known as Highgate Park
Digital copy of the most recent land rates notice for the 7-acre property known as ‘Highgate Park’ at 103 Fisher St, Fullarton.
Minutes of all meetings of the "Safety and Wellbeing Taskforce" and agendas of those meetings that occurred in 2023. Documents relating to annual, status reports, or Ministerial briefing papers detailing about or from the taskforce
Copies of all current internal formal and informal complaint management policy for staff complaints and grievances, including policy, complaint forms, procedural and references guides and reporting requirements.
A copy of the invoice(s) or Purchase Card transactions related to expenditure by the Office of the Minister, where the expenditure is recorded in the General Journal with an Objecti Code of "77451" or "77478". Timeframe: 17/03/2018 to 22/03/2022
All briefings, minutes, reports and internal advice that relate to the implementation of a criminal offence of coercive control. Timeframe: 1/01/2022 to 18/10/2022
All documents between the Department of Human Services and the Minister for Human Services relating to autism. Timeframe: 21/03/2022 to 19/09/2022
Copies of all Audit Management Letters and their corresponding audit reports from the 30 June 2022 Auditor-General's Department Audit period.
A transaction list pertaining to all expenditure by the former Office of the Minister for Human Services for 19 March 2018 to 31 March 2022.
All documents referencing a free food service in Whitmore Square, including but not limited to a soup/street kitchen.
Timeframe: 1/01/2020 to 10/09/2021
- Any registers containing records of the semi-naked searches conducted at the Adelaide Youth Training Centre (AYTC) for the period 1 October 2020 to 30 April 2021.
- Any documents that provide guidance on the conduct of unclothed searches at AYTC .