The Disability Minister's Advisory Council gives advice to the Minister about the important concerns of the 330,000 South Australians with disability, along with their families and caregivers.
Council members share their lived experiences to provide strategic advice on disability-related matters to the Minister for Human Services and support the State Government when making decisions on policy and legislative reform.
This Council operates alongside the Department of Human Services’ Disability Engagement Group.
Council members
- Amanda Shiell
- Belinda Lambert
- Belle Owen
- Ellen Fraser-Barbour
- Jarad McLoughlin
- Kwan Leung Chia
- Kym Langton
- Michael Taggart
- Scott Crowley
- Sisaleo Philavong - Chair
Disability Minister's Advisory Council - Meeting outcome statements
On 6 November 2024, the Disability Minister’s Advisory Council (the Council) met for the 4th Quarterly meeting to discuss various disability reform initiatives currently being undertaken at both State and National level.
The Hon Nat Cook MP, Minister for Human Services provided the Council with an update on the Disability Reform Ministerial Council (DRMC), who met in Adelaide on Friday, 1 November 2024.
The Hon Nat Cook held a discussion regarding the Supported Residential Facilities Act 1992 (SA) and sought advice and feedback from Council members for upcoming consultation and engagement with SRF residents, and the best ways to engage respectfully with people residing in SRF facilities.
The Royal Commissioner into Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence, Natasha Stott Despoja, attended the Council meeting and spoke about her responsibilities as Commissioner along with the key areas of interest. The Commissioner used this opportunity to listen to DMAC members and have an open discussion and welcomed advice, comments, feedback and shared lived experience from the Council. The Royal Commission will examine five key themes, aligned with the National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children 2022–2032, including prevention, early intervention, response, recovery and healing, and coordination.
This was the last meeting of the year for the Council, who will end their term on 31 January 2025. An Expression of Interest (EOI) process is being developed to recruit for the Youth, Disability, and LGBTIQA+ Minister’s Advisory Councils (MACs), with a public campaign during December 2024 to January 2025. Council members will be updated with information about the EOI process.
On 4 September 2024, the Disability Minister’s Advisory Council (the Council) met for the 3rd Quarterly meeting to discuss various disability reform initiatives currently being undertaken at both State and National level and support improved outcomes for people with disability.
The Hon Nat Cook MP, Minister for Human Services provided the Council with an update on the progress of the South Australian Government in progressing the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (the DRC) recommendations, outcomes from the NDIS review and other legislative changes discussed at the recent Disability Reform Ministerial Council meeting.
The Department of Human Services (DHS) provided the Council with an update on the Disability Inclusion (Review Recommendations) Amendment Act 2024, the review of the National Carers Strategy, progress on the review of the Carers Recognition Act 2005 (SA) and the public consultation on Foundational Supports. An update was also provided on recent activities of the Youth Minister’s Advisory Council and LGBTIQA+ Minister’s Advisory Council.
The Commissioner for Equal Opportunity, Jodeen Carney, attended the Council meeting and spoke about the role of Equal Opportunity SA, the legislative responsibilities under the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA), and the ‘We’re Equal’ initiative. Discussion included the grounds for discrimination and the complaints management process, with an opportunity for feedback provided to Council members.
An in-depth discussion on implementation of the South Australian DRC response was coordinated by DHS with valuable feedback and advice provided by Council members. Council members provided feedback on how reforms may be prioritised, and how DMAC could be engaged as the reforms are developed and implemented.
The Disability Minister’s Advisory Council will next meet on 6 November 2024.
The Disability Minister’s Advisory Council (the Council) met for the 2nd Quarter meeting on the 12 June 2024, and discussed state-based initiatives being undertaken to support outcomes for individuals with disability.
The Department of Human Services provided the Council with an update on the SA Autism Strategy being launched by the Premier on 19 June 2024, progress on the Disability Royal Commission and the NDIS Review. An update was also provided on the most recent Youth Minister’s Advisory Council and LGBTIQA+ Minister’s Advisory Council meetings.
The Council was joined by representatives from the Department for Education to discuss and provide feedback on the Department for Education’s Restrictive Practices in education and care settings procedure and how it applies within education and care settings.
The Council was also joined by the Department for Human Services, Inclusion Policy and Reform team to discuss and provide feedback on the Department of Human Services Suicide Prevention Action Plan, including actions that can be taken by the department to improve the mental health of people with disability who use departmental services, or are employed by the department.
The Disability Minister’s Advisory Council will next meet on 4 September 2024.
The Disability Minister’s Advisory Council (the Council) met for the 1st Quarter meeting on the 28 February 2024, to discuss work currently being undertaken to support outcomes for individuals with disability at the state and national level.
The Minister provided an update on the work being done to support disability accessibility and inclusion including the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability and the NDIS Review. The Minister also provided the Council with an update on the sale of Highgate Park and the Royal Commission Into Domestic and Family Violence.
The Department of Human Services (DHS) provided the Council with an update on the Draft Autism Strategy and the State Disability Inclusion Plan Consultation. The Council were also advised of updates to the Pavely app and DHS current work to support the National Disability agenda.
The Council was joined by Associate Professor Amanda Muller and Dr James Scheibner from Flinders University to discuss ongoing concerns regarding ride refusal by taxis and rideshare operators for individuals with assistance animals. DHS representatives worked with the Council to draft recommended responses for the Minister.
The Disability Minister’s Advisory Council will next meet on 12 June 2024.
The Disability Minister’s Advisory Council met for their fourth quarterly meeting on the 9 November 2023. Along with meeting with the Minister, the Council met with Parliamentary Counsel representatives and discussed the Concessions review and coordination of the Disability Royal Commission (DRC) response with the relevant Project Leads from DHS.
The Minister gave the Council a brief update on DRC findings and recommendations and advised the Council that she wants their feedback on the State Disability Inclusion Plan and the Carers Recognition Act review in 2024.
The Council was also advised of the DHS’s current areas of focus and timeframes on coordinating the response to the DRC recommendations. They also discussed how they would like to be consulted on implementing the DRC recommendations.
The Council met with representatives from Parliamentary Counsel to discuss disability language in legislation where they learned about the functions, advantages and drawbacks on changing definitions in law. They also learned about the constitutional implications which may exist if Commonwealth and State laws are in conflict and potential solutions for this.
The Project Lead from DHS Concessions advised the Council on the review being undertaken on the 22 household, transport and health care concessions that are available for people on low incomes. The Council provided feedback on the lack of accessibility to application forms and DHS advised that this is something that will be worked on as part of the review.
Members were officially thanked for their contribution and meaningful engagement in the Council over the past year. The new meeting schedule for the Disability Minister’s Advisory Council will be established in early 2024.
The Disability Minister’s Advisory Council met for their third quarterly meeting on the 5 September 2023. The Minister spoke about her recent meeting with Flinders University on the Australian Hospitality Small and Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) Toolkit. Members were interested in providing feedback on behalf of the Council which will be facilitated by the Department for Human Services.
The Minister provided an update on the Disability Reform Ministerial Council (DRMC) meeting on 23 June 2023 which included discussion on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and the National Autism Strategy. The Council provided feedback on the NDIS and suggested opportunities for improvement. The Council was informed that the Disability Royal Commission findings will be received on 29 September.
Members enquired regarding extension of the South Australian Transport Subsidy Scheme (SATSS) and improvement in public transport accessibility. The Minister advised that she is working with the Minister for Transport on these matters.
The Assistant Minister for Autism provided an update on her role as Assistant Minister for Autism and the Autism Strategy consultation that is being led by the Department for Human Services. She went on further to explain the progress South Australia is already making prior to the implementation of the State Autism Strategy.
The DHS brought the State Disability Inclusion Plan Discussion Paper to the Council and explained their role in the development of the new Plan and implementation. The Council provided feedback on the Discussion Paper, which DHS incorporated, prior to public release.
The Disability Minister’s Advisory Council will meet for the final time this year on 9 November 2023.
The Disability Minister’s Advisory Council met for their second quarterly meeting on Wednesday 7 June 2023. Along with meeting with the Minister, the Council met with the Chair and SA Representative of the Australia’s Disability Strategy Advisory Council, Dr Ben Gauntlett and Ms Natalie Wade respectively.
Dr Ben Gauntlett and Ms Natalie Wade provided information on the functions and objectives of the ADS Advisory Council and an update on work to implement Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-31, to achieve real change for Australians with disability.
The Minister provided the Council with an update on progress to implement recommended amendments to the Disability Inclusion Act 2018. The Council advised the Minister on the importance of aligning language used in legislation relating to disability, impairment and barriers with United Nations definitions, where applicable, and their interest in providing advice to legislative drafters on these matters.
The Council discussed how they would like to operate to develop informed advice to the Minister and build the State’s capacity to develop legislation and policy that responds to the lived experience and needs of people with disability. As a result of this discussion, the Council elected member Mr Sisaleo Philavong as Chair.
The Council meets next in September 2023.