
Critical Client Incidents

Critical client incidents policy (PDF 245.5 KB)

Critical client incident disclosure policy (PDF 304.5 KB)

Customer Feedback and Complaints

Customer Feedback and Complaints Policy

Incident Management Unit

Information sheet for employees and managers (PDF 102.3 KB)

Information sheet for clients and family/guardian (PDF 95.7 KB)

Workplace Surveillance Devices

Workplace Surveillance Devices Policy (PDF 456.3 KB)

Workplace Equality and Respect

All forms of violence are unacceptable, regardless of gender. However, evidence shows overwhelmingly that women experience domestic, family or sexual violence at higher rates, both in Australia and around the world.

DHS is participating in the Equal Opportunity Commission’s Workplace Equality and Respect Project, which aims to prevent violence against women by addressing the social conditions that cause it. Research shows that to reduce violence against women we must first improve gender equality.

As part of the project, we’ve developed a Workplace Equality and Respect Action Plan to guide our department’s efforts to prevent violence against women. The plan promotes equal participation in the workforce, respectful relationships between the genders, and the breaking down of harmful stereotypes about each gender’s role in society. It is in line with the Our Watch Workplace Equality and Respect Standards.

Gender equality and respect is everyone’s responsibility and our workplace has a vital role to play in creating cultural change to stop violence against women. Together, we can contribute to a South Australia where women and their children live free from violence.

Page last updated 29 February 2024