Overview: about the agency

Our strategic focus

Our Purpose

Making a difference so South Australia thrives.

Our Vision

Fairness, opportunity and choice for all South Australians.

Our Values

At the Department of Human Services (DHS), we embrace the public sector values of:

  • Service
  • Professionalism
  • Trust
  • Respect
  • Collaboration and engagement
  • Honesty and integrity
  • Courage and tenacity
  • Sustainability.

Our functions, objectives and deliverables

The department's interconnected strategic priorities are:

  • Increasing inclusion, independence and shared decision-making for all.
  • Supporting our communities when it matters most.
  • Delivering modern services for our communities.

The department is responsible for commissioning human services across the not-for-profit sector, and investing in the community through grants and funding. We provide core services including:

  • youth justice
  • disability accommodation
  • cost of living concessions and rebates
  • employment-related screening
  • family safety and support.

We also lead important government reforms in:

  • disability inclusion
  • intensive family support services
  • women’s equality and safety.

Our services span South Australia, from Kaurna Country in Adelaide to the many regional communities that make up the state. This includes working alongside communities in the far west and Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands in the north-west.

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Our organisational structure

DHS organisational structure. There is a link to a plain text version on this page.

Organisational chart in plain text

This organisational chart reflects the structure of the department as at 30 June 2024. The current chart is available on the DHS website.

Changes to the agency

During 2023–24 there were the following changes to the agency’s structure and objectives as a result of internal reviews or machinery of government changes.

  • A new departmental structure commenced on 1 December 2023, following an internal review and extensive staff consultation. The new structure will foster centres of expertise and excellence in our key areas and functions and ensure we speak with a clear voice to the community and our partners.
  • The restructure resulted in the realignment of several functions and groups, and in the following divisions being renamed:
    • Community and Family Services to Community and Aboriginal Partnerships
    • Community Investment and Support to Inclusion, Supports and Safeguarding
    • Disability Services to Disability
    • Inclusion and Reform to Child Safety and Family Support.
  • At this time, Ruth Ambler was also appointed to the role of Deputy Chief Executive to enhance the department’s leadership and influence at senior levels.

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Our Ministers

Hon Nat Cook MP

Minister for Human Services

Minister Cook has responsibility for the administration of concessions and cost of living supports, the provision of early intervention and support services to at risk children and families, supporting people living with disability and/or neurodivergence and other complex vulnerabilities, screening services, and the provision of statutory youth justice services. The Minister also has lead policy responsibility in relation to youth, volunteers, carers and LGBTIQA+ South Australians.

Hon Katrine Hildyard MP

Minister for Women and the Prevention of Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence

Minister Hildyard oversees policy development on issues affecting women in order to improve their safety and wellbeing. This includes leading the Government’s coordinated approach to preventing and responding to domestic, family and sexual violence. The Minister also has lead responsibility across government and the community to improve women’s economic equality and participation in South Australia.

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Our Executive team

DHS Executive Leadership Team as at 30 June 2024:

Sandy Pitcher, Chief Executive

The Chief Executive is responsible for providing the department with strong, dedicated leadership, connecting the social policy and program support systems across all divisions to improve the safety, wellbeing and quality of life of South Australians.

The role of the Chief Executive covers the day-to-day operations of the department, including its effective contribution to the attainment of whole-of-government objectives, achievement of agency specific priorities and the general conduct of its employees.

Ruth Ambler, Deputy Chief Executive

The Deputy Chief Executive is responsible for the Inclusion, Supports and Safeguarding division which is comprised of:

  • Concessions and Interpreting Services, which delivers a wide range of concessions and rebates that assist households on low or fixed incomes with cost-of-living pressures. It is also responsible for the operation of the Interpreting and Translating Centre, which includes the Aboriginal Language Interpreting Service.
  • Community and Partnerships, which delivers funding and programs that support the capacity and wellbeing of South Australian communities including Grants SA, the Financial Wellbeing Program, Community Connections Program, Community Passenger Network, Carer Breaks and Young Carer Support Services, the Gamblers Rehabilitation Fund, Youth Support and Development, Services to Aboriginal Youth, Community and Neighbourhood Development Program, Advocacy and Impact Program, Bfriend Program for young LGBTIQA+ people and Food Security initiatives.
  • Inclusion Policy and Reform, which brings together the policy and reform expertise from functions across the department to deliver on improvements and policies so DHS can provide the best possible services and programs for South Australians including youth, carers, volunteers and LGBTIQA+ people.
  • Restrictive Practices Unit, which is responsible for administering the South Australian Restrictive Practices Authorisation scheme that regulates restrictive practices in NDIS services in order to provide greater protection and safeguards for NDIS participants with behavioural support plans.
  • Screening Unit, which conducts initial screening and ongoing monitoring and background checks of specific workers and volunteers in South Australia, contributing to safe environments for children and other vulnerable people in the community.
  • The Office for Women, which works across government and the community towards achieving the full and equal participation of women in all aspects of life in South Australia. The Office for Women has a strong focus on addressing domestic, family and sexual violence and provides statewide information and referral services through the Women’s Information Service.

Nick Ashley, Chief Financial Officer, Finance and Business Services

The Finance and Business Services division is comprised of:

  • Finance, which is responsible for budgeting, management accounting, financial analysis, monitoring and reporting, providing strategic financial advice, accounting policy and monitoring financial compliance.
  • Financial Reform, which supports DHS’s role as a NDIS provider by identifying reform opportunities and delivering business improvements, as well as providing operational and strategic services.
  • Infrastructure, which provides a range of asset-related services including records management, asset and building management, security services, fleet and transport management, and mail services.
  • Procurement and Quality Assurance, which supports all areas of the department to manage the procurement of goods and services and is responsible for the delivery of the Australian Service Excellence Standards to support organisations improve their business practices and client services.

Sally Nicholas, Acting Executive Director, People and Performance

People and Performance is comprised of:

  • People and Partnerships, which partner with departmental leaders to provide efficient, solution-focused, and innovative people services to support the department’s mission to deliver strategies, programs and services that improve the wellbeing and safety of South Australians.
  • Screening Transformation, which is leading a major program of work to reform the processes and systems of the Screening Unit by working collaboratively with other departmental teams, as well as key stakeholders across the public and private sector.
  • Organisational Development and Learning, which delivers strategic expertise and business services in individual and organisational learning, development and recruitment to build leadership capability and champion workforce strategies and initiatives.
  • Business Improvement and Technology, which enables the department and its operations to deliver services through the provision of information management, systems, data and technology across DHS.

Joe Young, Executive Director, Disability

The Disability division is comprised of:

  • Disability Services, which provides direct care and support services to people with disability living in community-based group homes.
  • Quality and Clinical Services, which supports high-quality service delivery and compliance with quality frameworks and NDIS requirements. The team is also responsible for the delivery of a range of allied health and clinical services to support clients to lead their best life, at home and in the community. It also incorporates medium term accommodation (T2H) and the Northgate Aged Care Service.
  • Strategic Policy and Reform, which is responsible for both national and state disability reform, providing strategic leadership across the State Government to drive the South Australian disability policy agenda and ensure we meet our obligations under Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031, the Disability Inclusion Act 2018, the State Disability Inclusion Plan, the SA Autism Strategy 2024–2029 and other relevant state and national disability-related reform initiatives.

Alex Reid, Executive Director, Community and Aboriginal Partnerships

Community and Aboriginal Partnerships provides support and services to children, young people and families, including those in contact with the youth justice system, remote Aboriginal communities and people with complex and exceptional needs. The division is made up of:

  • Youth Justice and Exceptional Needs, which is responsible for statewide community and service development for vulnerable people and communities, which includes working with people with exceptional needs. The directorate is also responsible for the statutory supervision of young people in contact with the justice system, including the management of the Kurlana Tapa Youth Justice Centre and community based supervision and support.
  • Regional and Remote Services, which works collaboratively with services and communities on planning, developing, and implementing community responses to improve outcomes for Aboriginal clients and communities in South Australia.
  • Aboriginal Practice and Partnerships, which collaborates with executives and other departmental leaders to drive strategy and service design focused on building culturally led and responsive services to improve life outcomes, and supports Aboriginal young people and their families in partnership with community.

Katherine Hawkins, Executive Director, Child Safety and Family Support

The Child Safety and Family Support division supports families to stay safely together at home in community and culture. The division is made up of:

  • Early Intervention Research Directorate, which gathers the latest evidence and data to shape reform and delivery of the Child and Family Support System. This includes commissioning non-government organisations to deliver services to reduce children’s escalation in the child protection system and prevent poor life outcomes.
  • Safer Family Services, which delivers a range of early intervention and targeted intensive family support services under the Child and Family Support System to help children stay safely at home with their families and avoid the need for out-of-home care.

Belinda Marsden, Director, Office of the Chief Executive and Governance

The Office of the Chief Executive and Governance is responsible for a broad range of functions including Cabinet coordination and Parliamentary business, correspondence and briefings, corporate governance, the department’s internal audit function, risk management and business continuity. It provides high quality and responsive advice and support to the Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive and Ministerial Offices and is also responsible for:

  • Communications and Engagement, which provides advice and services across a broad range of areas including media management, internal and external communications and promotions, graphic and multimedia design, events, and sector and stakeholder engagement.
  • Closing the Gap Policy and Transformation, which oversees and provides strategic policy advice across the department to meet the targets and outcomes outlined in the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

The Director of the Office of the Chief Executive and Governance also has administrative reporting responsibility for staff in the Office of the Minister for Human Services and the Community Visitor Scheme.

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Legislation administered by the agency

Carers Recognition Act 2005
Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act 2016
Children’s Protection Law Reform (Transitional Arrangements and Related Amendments) Act 2017
Cost of Living Concessions Act 1986
Disability Inclusion Act 2018
Disability Services Act 1993
Julia Farr Services (Trusts) Act 2007
Not-for-Profit Sector Freedom to Advocate Act 2013
Supported Residential Facilities Act 1992
Volunteers Protection Act 2001
Youth Justice Administration Act 2016

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Other related agencies (within the Minister's area/s of responsibility)

As at 30 June 2024, the Office for Ageing Well reported to Minister Cook in her capacity as the Minister for Seniors and Ageing Well.

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Page last updated 3 February 2025