Engagement and Consultation



We will lead 'action 14 in Inclusive SA' by developing a toolkit that supports State authorities to consult and engage with people living with disability when developing policies and programs.

The toolkit will promote and explain co-design principles and focus on supports for consultation within regional South Australia.


Draft toolkits are delivered in phase 1.

Directorate Responsible  | Disability Access and Inclusion
Time Frame  |  December 2020


Toolkits are further refined in consultation with stakeholders, published and available in accessible formats in phase 2.

Directorate Responsible  | Disability Access and Inclusion
Time Frame  |  June 2021


We will work with the Commonwealth Government to develop data indicators to measure changes in community attitudes about the rights and needs of people with disability in leading action 7 in Inclusive SA


Data indicators are released as part of the outcomes framework for the new National Disability Strategy.

Plan is developed to support collection of relevant data.

Directorate Responsible  | Disability Access and Inclusion
Time Frame  |  September 2021


We will commemorate International Day of People with Disability annually and use this day as a catalyst to celebrate the contributions people with disability make to society and reflect on how we can be more accessible as an organisation.


Annual promotion and participation in International Day of People with Disability.

Directorate Responsible  | Communications and Engagement 
Time Frame  |  Annually


We will promote the positive representation of women with disability in Office for Women materials that promote community understanding and awareness.


New materials positively represent women with disability.

Existing materials are reviewed and updated to positively represent women with disability.

Directorate Responsible  | Office for Women 
Time Frame  |  December 2021


We will ensure, where appropriate, that clients of Accommodation Services meet and have an opportunity to know their neighbours, to increase and promote disability understanding and awareness and encourage inclusive communities


Capacity Building Officers will meet with all clients of Accommodation Services to assist with community connections, build the capacity of clients and access external advocacy and friends in their lives.

Directorate Responsible  | Office for Women 
Time Frame  |  December 2021

Page last updated 30 June 2023