Participation in Decision-Making



We are working with Office of the Public Advocate to meet 'action 10 in Inclusive SA' by ensuring identified clients of Accommodation Services have a My Life decision plan/or project approved plan in place through a process of supported decision-making. We will share the learnings from this project with relevant  SA Government departments and local services.


100% of identified Accommodation Services staff are trained in supported decision-making.

Directorate Responsible  | Accommodation Services
Time Frame  |  December 2021


Learnings are shared with relevant SA Government departments.

Directorate Responsible  | Accommodation Services
Time Frame  |  Ongoing


We will engage with clients and their families and carers to ensure they can inform and participate in the development of new processes and/or programs.


Client feedback is obtained and reflected in the development of recommendations for new processes or programs.

Directorate Responsible  | Accommodation Services
Time Frame  |  Ongoing


We will engage with clients and people with disability on the future of the former Julia Farr Centre at Fullarton, known as Highgate Park, and the supports funded by the trust that owns it.


Consultation process includes people with disability and clients of Accommodation Services.

Directorate Responsible  | Accommodation Services
Time Frame  |  December 2020


We will engage members of the People’s Advocacy Group to test and inform decision-making around changes being made to improve the service.


People's Advocacy Group are consulted prior to making any changes to improve the service.

Directorate Responsible  | Accommodation Services
Time Frame  |  Ongoing


We will engage members of the People’s Advocacy Group to be part of the recruitment process and provide advice on staff training.


Members of the People’s Advocacy Group to inform disability support staff recruitment and staff training.

Directorate Responsible  | Accommodation Services
Time Frame  |  Ongoing


We will support young people living with disability to actively participate in decision-making by seeking disability advocates and consumer representatives in the development, implementation and review of strategic youth initiatives, to support the implementation of 'action 11 of Inclusive SA'.


10% of consultation participants are young people living with disability or who identify as disability advocates.

Directorate Responsible  | Community Services
Time Frame  |  Ongoing


We will seek to include people with disability and/or disability advocates in the development, implementation and review of relevant initiatives including (but not limited to) volunteering and LGBTQIA+ directions.


10% of consultation participants are people living with disability or who identify as disability advocates.

Directorate Responsible  | Community Services
Time Frame  |  Ongoing


We will consult with people with disability to develop recommendations to improve accessibility of concessions for people with disability.

Our consultation will target a range of people with disability who may access concessions, including young people.


Approval of report from consultation process and recommendations

Directorate Responsible  | Concessions and Support Services
Time Frame  |  December 2021


Implementation plan to implement approved recommendations.

Directorate Responsible  | Concessions and Support Services
Time Frame  |  June 2022

Page last updated 30 June 2023