Promoting the Rights of People Living With Disability



We will negotiate with our building landlords to consider modifications to improve access to buildings for people and employees with disability.


All physical barriers identified and negotiated with a plan in place to address barriers.

Directorate Responsible  |  Infrastructure
Time Frame  |  June 2021


We will contribute to "action 9 of Inclusive SA' and ensure the induction of all new employees includes information about working with diversity and people living with disability.


100% completion rates of our induction program for all new employees.

100% completion rate for employees required to complete Mental Health First Aid training.

Directorate Responsible  |  Organisational Development
Time Frame  |   Ongoing


We will train Accommodation Services staff on NDIS policies and procedures to ensure clients are supported to exercise choice and control in accessing the NDIS and that their rights are upheld.


Internal training resources are developed, and training schedule implemented on an ongoing basis.

Directorate Responsible  |  Accommodation Services
Time Frame  |   December 2020


We will ensure departmental complaints systems are accessible to people with disability.


Departmental complaints materials and pathways are reviewed to support accessibility.

Local complaint procedures are in place in each division that support accessibility for people with disability.

Directorate Responsible  |  Office of the Chief Executiven Services
Time Frame  |   December 2020


We will continue to regularly review materials to ensure delivery of meaningful and ongoing training to all staff, based on core trauma-informed principles that prioritise safety, trust, choice, collaboration, empowerment and respect for diversity.


Partner with disability service providers and other agencies with disability expertise to ensure training packages for staff remain current and contemporary.

Directorate Responsible  |  Organisational Development
Time Frame  |   Ongoing annual review


Accommodation Services will develop and promote the Customer Charter that asserts the rights and responsibilities of the service to the people we support. This includes an easy read Customer Charter.

.Directorate Responsible  |  Accommodation Services
Time Frame  |   Ongoing annual review

Page last updated 21 February 2025