Strategic Context

Access and Inclusion Planning

The Disability Inclusion Act 2018 (SA) (Act) supports the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities acknowledging that people living with disability have the same human rights as other members of the community.

The Act also establishes a framework to support a whole of Government approach to improving the inclusion of all South Australians living with disability. To achieve this, the Act requires all State authorities to develop and publish disability access and inclusion plans (DAIPs) that relate to the specific supports and services they provide.

The State Disability Inclusion Plan 2019–2023 (Inclusive SA) and State authorities’ DAIPs will together support South Australia’s implementation of the six outcome areas within the National Disability Strategy 2010–2020, which are:

  • Inclusive and accessible communities
  • Rights protection, justice and legislation
  • Economic security
  • Personal and community support
  • Learning and skills
  • Health and wellbeing.

This is a coordinated plan across all levels of government within Australia to improve the lives of people living with disability, their families and carers, and to provide leadership for a community-wide shift in attitudes.

Inclusive SA was published on 31 October 2019 and provides a vision for South Australia that is accessible and inclusive of all the community, and where people living with disability are valued and treated with respect. Inclusive SA has 12 priority areas, set within four themes:

  • Inclusive communities for all
  • Leadership and collaboration
  • Accessible communities
  • Learning and employment

Our DAIP sets out the actions we will take over the next four years to achieve a more inclusive South Australia and aligns closely to the four key themes and priorities in Inclusive SA.

Our Commitment to Access and Inclusion

With lead responsibility for administering the Disability Inclusion Act 2018 (SA) and overseeing the implementation of Inclusive SA, DHS is committed to providing access and inclusion for all South Australians with disability through continuous improvement.

DHS will integrate, where possible, disability access and inclusion planning with work and activity required under other relevant strategies and frameworks (including subsequent iterations of these plans and strategies), including:

  • DHS Strategic Plan 2019–22
  • DHS Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2017–2020
  • Reconciliation Action Plan 2018–2020
  • Accommodation Services Strategic Plan 2019–2020
  • SA Youth Action Plan 2020–2022
  • Young People Connected, Communities Protected: South Australia’s Youth Justice State Plan 2020–2023
  • Committed to Safety: A framework to address domestic, family and sexual violence in South Australia
  • An Intensive Support System for South Australia’s children and families (March 2019), Early Intervention Research Directorate System Reform Strategy.

Disability Defined

The Disability Inclusion Act 2018 (SA) defines disability in relation to a person as including long-term:

  • physical
  • psycho-social
  • intellectual
  • cognitive
  • neurological, or
  • sensory impairment, or
  • a combination of any of these impairments

which in interaction with various barriers may hinder the person’s full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.


Public consultation on our draft DAIP was open from 20 July to 4 September 2020. Approximately 175 individuals and organisations engaged in the process and provided feedback.

During the consultation period, the DHS website hosted a dedicated webpage for our draft DAIP that included:

  • the draft DHS DAIP in accessible formats, for example HTML and easy read
  • information about the various feedback options including written submission, survey, telephone or face-to-face meetings
  • an online survey and an easy read survey
  • printable formats.

The public consultation was promoted a number of ways including:

  • DHS social media through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
  • newsletter emailed to Accommodation Services’ clients, families and carers
  • DHS news article
  • DHS Chief Executive newsletter to the non-government sector
  • web banners and email signature graphic blocks
  • via the disability engagement group, and
  • promotion on the YourSay website.

DHS also contacted several organisations and community groups to promote the public consultation period through their existing networks to reach a broader audience.

Feedback on the draft DAIP was collected in a variety of ways, including:

  • online survey
  • easy read survey
  • email submissions and phone calls from members of the public
  • detailed written submissions and emails from the disability and community sector.

All feedback was collated and analysed to identify common themes, priorities and gaps.

Most responses received from the public consultation have been included in our final DAIP. Furthermore, some feedback will be incorporated and built into the everyday work of the department, rather than a DAIP action as further investigation is required to inform the next iteration.

Of all survey respondents
Key Demographic Insights
8%Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander.
8%Culturally and linguistically diverse.
34%Person living with a disability
23%Family member of a person living with a disability.
Key Service Experience Insights
40%Experienced good practice or initiatives relating to disability and inclusion.
34%Experienced barriers when trying to access DHS service/supports.
53%Had suggestions on how to improve DHS services/supports.
Top Ways  the Survey Was Found
33%DHS website,
13%Disability Engagement Group

Page last updated 26 May 2023