NGOs (non-government organisations) never sleep. Their success — and in many cases their existence — requires significant ongoing effort and support. DHS can provide such support.
We provide grants, offer training and resources to create safe, inclusive environments, and ensure accountability in how funds are spent. We also offer services like translating and interpreting, oversee programs that support vulnerable people, and promote social impact and business excellence in the sector.
Apply for a Grant
View and apply for current grants.
Screening Checks
Screening checks (SA.GOV.AU) contribute to creating safe environments for children and other vulnerable people. (External website)
Child Safe Environments training
Training for organisations with staff and volunteers that provide services to children and young people.
Quality Improvement Program Guide
This guide is for service providers who are seeking Grants SA or multi-year funding from the Department of Human Services. This guide will help you to determine which is the right quality improvement program for you.
Australian Service Excellence Standards (ASES)
This internationally accredited program helps NGOs of all sizes to improve business practices and client services.
Volunteer Recognition
Recognising volunteers’ contribution is important not only to help retain their services but also to show appreciation for their personal dedication.
LGBTIQA+ Inclusive Workplaces
Everyone deserves to access services with the confidence that they will be respected and treated fairly, free from discrimination. This page provides information about accreditation, training and resources that can assist your organisation to become more LGBTIQA+ inclusive.
Interpreting and Translating Centre
Access qualified translators and interpreters experienced in most of the community and commercial languages of South Australia.
Visit the Interpreting and Translating Centre Website.
Results-Based Accountability
Results-Based Accountability (RBA) is a methodology that builds the capacity of community organisations to deliver quality services to the people of South Australia. DHS collaborates with community partners to embed RBA methodologies into programs and funding streams.
Social Impact Framework
Supporting service providers and government to assess how well a program meets the evidence-based conditions for social impact.
Community Visitor Scheme
The Community Visitor Scheme aims to protect the rights of people living with disability or mental illness.
Exceptional Needs Unit
Supporting individuals and families who have multiple complex needs and risk factors.
SA Restrictive Practices Authorisation scheme
The Restrictive Practices Authorisation scheme was created to implement new laws that provide safeguards for people with a disability.
Food security
Working to make South Australia's food supply nutritious, affordable, physically accessible and culturally appropriate.