ASES Levels

DHS offers organisations the opportunity to gain recognition and accreditation for the high levels of customer and professional services.


STARservice is no longer available. We are transitioning to a new platform with an improved user experience, called the ASES Recognition Level.

ASES has retained the original STARservice data (answers to questions) and assessors for each organisation can access this data during the transition.

We expect the new platform to be ready in early August 2024.

New features

There will be significant benefits for existing and new users. New features will include:

  • easier uploading of evidence
  • easier navigation
  • 10 key questions (replacing the original 18 questions)
  • helpful guides
  • links to relevant legislation and resources.

What this means for existing users

Your original information is retained in our records management system.

If you wish to continue your application online, you may need to re-submit information using the new format.

If you do not wish to re-submit, please email ASES to discuss how to continue your application manually. Email

ASES Recognition level

As Level 1 of the ASES Program,  ASES Recognition level is a free service for organisations seeking confirmation they are operating legally and effectively, as well as verification for those who require this level as part of funding applications.

ASES Recognition level has five focus areas promoting sustainable and effective work environments for employers, staff, volunteers, and clients.

ASES Recognition level is a highly effective capability and gap-assessment tool for organisations considering Certificate (Level 2) or Award (Level 3) accreditation in the Australian Service Excellence Standards (ASES).

How to achieve Recognition level

  1. Complete an online self-paced assessment.
  2. Answer all questions and provide documentary evidence.
  3. A desk-top assessment is conducted by a DHS Lead Auditor.

Recognition gives organisations the ability to:

  • attract funding and support (with  additional point advantage for Grants SA applications)
  • support employees and volunteers
  • build a safe, positive and welcoming workplace
  • develop better policies, procedures and practices such as Work, Health and Safety, Child Safe Environments, Risk and Financial Management.

For more information email

ASES Certificate level

The ASES certificate level is meeting fundamental business practice and client services where 18 standards are assessed. The ASES Certificate level covers all corporate functions and services.

At this level, organisations are:

  • operating confidently and efficiently
  • actively applying sound management principles
  • managing their risks, and
  • meeting legislative, industry and government guidelines.

Organisations are confident that:

  • they have effective communication
  • their people are working in a safe and healthy environment where diversity and inclusion are celebrated
  • strong partnerships are fostered, and
  • consumer confidence exhibited in service provision.

With effective implementation of the standards, consumers outcomes are clearly improved. Consumers play an integral role in the development and in the planning of services. Independence is fostered by providing opportunities for feedback, linked to continual improvement of services and operating systems.

Organisations must meet the Certificate level before beginning the Award level.

For more information email

Case study

A description of The Burdekin Association's journey through the ASES auditing process (March 2020)

The ASES Journey - The Burdekin Association (PDF 518.1 KB)

ASES Award level

The ASES Award is the highest accreditation level. The ASES Award level aspires for organisational excellence and requires the capacity to continually improve and effectively manage change.

The Award level creates a culture that fosters:

  • leadership
  • organisational learning
  • innovation
  • responsiveness
  • adaptability.

A results-driven organisation provides a better understanding of outcomes of the service and for the individual clients and significantly contributes to population outcomes.

Creating opportunities for more effective consumer engagement, outstanding customer service and it requires stronger evidence of measurably improved consumer outcomes. This ensures the organisation’s sustainability.

Mature organisations and those organisations well-versed in the ASES accreditation process can choose to do Award level assessment separately or combined with Certificate level. To be issued Award accreditation, organisations are to maintain Certificate accreditation.

For more information email

Recognition level

Recognition level


Certificate level

Certificate level


Award level

Award level


Page last updated 23 July 2024