About Youth Justice

Youth Justice aims to create safer communities by providing collaborative and evidence-based services for children and young people in the justice system in order to reduce re-offending and acknowledge victims of crime.

Youth Justice Vision

Children and young people in the justice system are inspired to change and positively participate in their community.

Youth Justice Mission

Contribute to community safety by leading collaborative and evidence informed statutory services to children and young people in the justice system to reduce re-offending and acknowledge victims of crime.

Youth Justice, a division of the Department for Human Services, is responsible for contributing to building safer South Australian communities. Youth Justice has statutory responsibility for the supervision of young people subject to a range of criminal justice mandates.

Programs and services within Youth Justice aim to achieve this by supporting children and young people to:

  • desist from offending
  • recognise the impact of their crime on victims
  • access opportunities to participate safely and productively in the community.

The service delivery model for Youth Justice is oriented towards encouraging young people to take responsibility whilst recognising that children and young people have specific developmental needs different to those of adults and consequently require a youth justice response.

Further information

Case Management

Youth Justice operates within a criminal justice context and is required to supervise young people subject to relevant criminal justice mandates.


Youth Justice Psychology Services (YJPS)

Youth Justice Psychology Services ( YJPS) provide psychological assessment and targeted intervention to identify and address offending behaviours of children and young people who are subject to a sentenced order.


Court Advice and Bail Supervision Services (CABSS)

In the Adelaide Youth Court staff from CABSS will be present for all young people held on remand or Police Custody.


Youth Justice Programs

Youth Justice works in partnership with a variety of external agencies to deliver a range of programs to suit varied needs.


Disability Screening Assessment Project

The primary aim of the screening project were to identify the prevalence of disability-related needs in the population; informing both YJAIS service development, and strategic planning for the Youth Justice Services division.

Youth Justice Partners

DHS works with a network of supporting partners from government, the community and Aboriginal-led organisations to provide a holistic response for young people in contact with the youth justice system.


Page last updated 29 May 2023