Summary of accreditation standards

ASES is a program with two levels of accreditation. Organisations must achieve accreditation at the Certificate level before they can be assessed at the Award level.

Organisations are to maintain their Certificate level accreditation. Organisations at the Certificate level will be expected to have started formalising the way they plan, implement and monitor continuous improvement activities.

Supporting Documentation list for those considering Certificate-level accreditation (PDF 376.6 KB)

Organisations at the Award level will be expected to demonstrate commitment towards continuous learning and sustainable improvement.

ASES allows for recognition of other Commonwealth and State Standards. The ASES team maps new standards and may be able to assist you in the process of gathering evidence to comply with or recognise prior learning in multiple standards including those for Volunteering and Disability.

Summary of Standards for Certificate Level


1.1 Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is undertaken to further organisational and service development.

1.2 Business Planning

Business Planning processes are in place to implement and monitor progress against the strategic plan manage resources and measure organisational performance.


2.1. Sound Governance

A commitment to leadership, mutual accountability, ethical conduct are evident.

2.2 Policies and Procedures

Policies and procedures are in place and consistently applied to address legislative, industry, contractual and organisational requirements.

2.3 Data and Knowledge Management

The organisation has effective processes to collect and use data, to create information, and to use data to create information and to refine information into knowledge.

2.4 Risk Management

Policies and procedures are in place to manage risk and opportunities.

Requirements of this standards are based on international and Australian standards ISO 31,000:2018 Risk management principles and guidelines.

Financial and Contract Management

3.1 Financial Management

Financial management is transparent, accountable, ensuring effective use of resources.

3.2 Asset and Physical Resources

The management of assets and physical resources are responsible, competent and effective for economic, social and environmental sustainability.

3.3. Purchasing and Contracting

Explicit purchasing and contracts reflect organisational values, enables disclosure and ensures integrity and value.


4.1 Human Resource

Human resources ensure competent staff for effective service.

4.2 Work, Health and Safety

Work, Health and Safety systems are incorporated into business planning and work processes.

4.3 Diversity and Inclusion

Valuing culture, diversity and inclusion in the pursuit of organisational improvement and consumer satisfaction.


5.1 Working Collaboratively

Working collaborative with other organisations on agreed goals that benefits consumers and the community.

5.2 Teamwork

Staff are effectively engaged in implementing organisational change through a range of teamwork objectives strategies.


6.1 Communication

Communication systems and strategies ensure information is disseminated internally and externally to all key stakeholders.

Service Outcomes

7.1 Outcome Monitored

Services outcomes are planned, monitored and subject to ongoing review.

Consumer and Community Outcomes

8.1 Consumer Outcomes

Consumers are recognised as key partners in shaping service development and assessing quality of service delivery.

8.2 Consumer Feedback and Complaint

Strategies to empower consumers are encouraged.  Feedback is valued and is used as a continuous improvement tool.

A summary of the standards for Award level


1.1 Leadership

Leadership competencies are identified and mapped.

Supportive Leadership

Leaders inspire and empower their people to achieve organisational objectives.

1.3 Critical Review

A commitment to better governance is demonstrated through critical review by governing body.

Organisational Learning

2.1 Continuous Improvement

A culture of continual quality improvement is well established.

2.2 Organisational Learning

The organisation has a culture of innovation to deliver optimum services.


3.1 Business Outcomes

The organisation business practices achieve real outcomes for its business, people and consumers.

3.2 Consumer Outcomes

Consumer participation is valued and fostered.

3.3 Community Contribution

Commitment to contribution positively to the wider community.

Page last updated 7 November 2023