MAYFS is a dedicated Aboriginal service with a focus on diverting young people away from the justice system and toward improved life outcomes.
Metropolitan Aboriginal Youth and Family Services brochure (PDF 592.0 KB)
Metropolitan Aboriginal Youth and Family Services postcard (PDF 443.5 KB)
Our approach
- Our restorative and family inclusive service has a strong focus on strengthening Aboriginal young people’s connection to family, community and culture.
- We recognise that young people are more likely to make positive changes in their lives, if they have a say in decisions, a supportive community, and access to positive opportunities for learning and social connection.
- We work with young people and their families to keep them at the centre of decisions and planning. We work closely with other agencies, including Youth Justice, SA Police, Courts, schools, non-government and community service organisations to facilitate access to a range of services and programs.
Our aspirations
Our approach supports young people to be:
- engaged in school, training and work
- engaged in community activities such as arts, culture, music, sport and recreation
- in healthy relationships with family and friends
- not engaged in crime or risky behaviors
- confident, empowered, proud and respectful — a role model to others
- better connected to culture
What we offer
- Family-inclusive case management that involves young people and families in designing a plan that fits their needs
- Flexible programming opportunities for social participation and cultural connection, including recreational, sport, language, dance, music and more
- Family-centred yarning circles that engage the young person and their family to solve problems, repair harm and make positive change
- Connections to education, training, skills development and employment
- Family support with legal matters and justice requirements, including attendance at legal appointments, advocacy in court, and explaining and navigating the legal system
- Supported referrals to other services, including mental health, domestic violence, housing, financial counselling, drug and alcohol services and more.
Aboriginal young people who have had contact with the youth justice system within metropolitan Adelaide
Young people can be referred through:
- Youth Justice Courts
- schools
- community service organisations
- family members, with consent of both the young person and their parent/carer.
Contact us
Freecall 1800 NUKKIN (1800 685 546)
Fax: 8414 8902
Office: 9 Bayer Road, Elizabeth South SA 5112