Volunteer Certificates

Recognising volunteers’ contribution is important not only to help retain their services but also to show appreciation for their personal dedication. Two certificate programs are available for recognising your volunteers' contribution.

Premier’s Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Volunteer Service

Nominations for the 2024 Premier’s Certificates of Recognition for Outstanding Volunteer Service are closed.

The Premier’s Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Volunteer Service assists volunteer-involving organisations and community groups to recognise their volunteers for excellence and significant achievements.

Developed by the Department of Human Services (DHS) in 2002 and held annually, this initiative aims to acknowledge the accomplishments and efforts of volunteers. Volunteer recognition is an important way to keep volunteers involved, committed and active, and to promote volunteering in the South Australian community.


The Premier’s Certificate of Recognition for outstanding volunteer service is open to volunteers who have made an outstanding commitment and contribution to volunteering.

The Social Inclusion directorate within the Department of Human Services considers all nominations for volunteers who have:

  • made a significant contribution to the community or an organisation
  • provided ongoing commitment and dedication to volunteering
  • demonstrated leadership in their volunteer role
  • promoted volunteering within the community.

Recognition of award winners

Organisations and community groups will be notified of the outcome of their nomination/s in May 2024, and certificates will be posted to the nominator.

Organisations and community groups are encouraged to host a recognition event to celebrate and present the certificate/s to the nominated volunteer/s.

Such occasions could include National Volunteer Week (20 to 26 May 2024), Volunteers Day (10 June 2024), at an Annual General Meeting or a special morning/afternoon tea.

More information

Social Inclusion Policy and Partnerships

Phone 1300 014 712

Email ofv@sa.gov.au

South Australian Volunteer Certificates of Appreciation

Free certificates now available

Signed by the Minister for Human Services, South Australian Volunteer Certificates of Appreciation are available to South Australian-based organisations or community groups to acknowledge the significant contribution of their volunteers. These certificates are available from 1 February until 30 November each year.

To request certificates

Please email us the following details:

  • How many certificates are required
  • Date when certificates are needed (allow 2-4 weeks for certificates to be produced and posted)
  • Names of volunteers as you wish them to appear on the certificates
  • Name of your organisation or community group where the volunteers perform their duties
  • Your postal address where you will receive certificates.

Email this information to ofv@sa.gov.au

For more information, phone Inclusion and Reform, Volunteers on 1300 014 712

Page last updated 23 July 2024