Choice of assessor

Choice of assessor

External Assessors​

Our team of ASES Quality External Assessors are experienced in both auditing and the Community Services Sector. Each ASES external assessor has met appropriate screening requirements and abides to a code of conduct.

Contact one of the ASES Quality External Assessors below to book an external assessment.

External Assessors contact details

Alison Sinclair Consulting (ASC)

(All States, Territories and New Zealand)

Alison Sinclair - Director

Phone 0402 884 320

Arcadia Quality Systems

(All States, Territories and New Zealand)

Trish Hodgson - Principal Consultant

Mobile 0433 332 799

Assured Auditing

Emma Healey

Phone 0458 204 703

Assured Auditing website

Athena 360

Natasha Marsh

Phone 0408 608 797

BDO Industrial & Organisational Psychology

(All States, Territories and New Zealand)

Scott Way – Director

Phone 7324 6000

BDO Industrial & Organisational Psychology website

Quantum Certificate Services

Quality Innovation Performance (QIP)

(All States, Territories and New Zealand)

Liz McMullin - National Manager

Phone 1300 888 329


Quality Innovation Performance (QIP) website

Standards Wise

(All States, Territories and New Zealand)

David Stevens – Managing Director

Mobile 0400 287 970
Phone 02 9089 8881

Standards Wise website

The Highwire Group

(All States, Territories and New Zealand)

Maree Davidson - Director

Phone 0417 761 368


The Highwire Group website

Code of Ethics

ASES External Assessors and the ASES Team follow a strict code of ethics.

We respect a service user’s right to be or not to be involved and their right to confidentiality and privacy regarding their decisions.

We promote complaint mechanisms to service providers and participating service users.

We consider service users’ needs by:

  • Ensuring that people with disability and their support persons receive timely, detailed information about the External Assessment process
  • Promoting their participation and authority in roles where their input and feedback is valued and used in a positive and constructive manner
  • Encouraging genuine participation - External Assessment methods rely on this.
  • Selection procedures appropriately address the different requirements of each organisation
  • All service users have the right and opportunity to be involved and consulted
  • Service users have the right not to be involved
  • Service users’ confidentiality and privacy are to be respected, and
  • Service users have the right to advocacy and support.

During the External Assessment:


The ASES Team has policies, procedures and practices that safeguard the confidentiality of information obtained during External Assessment.

The ASES Team is not permitted to release information obtained through the assessment processes unless written permission has been granted by the organisation to the Program Manager, ASES Team, or as required by law.


The information gathered via documentation and the review of your policies and procedures will be used to prepare for the onsite assessment and will be treated in accordance with the principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth).

Costs of external assessments

Costs of assessments
Page last updated 22 July 2024