Child and Family Safety Network

Child and Family Safety Network (CFSN) is a network that plays a critical role in the delivery of the Child and Family Support System (CFSS).

Child and Family Safety Networks are made up of key agency partners from Government, non-government organisations (NGOs), and Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs), and work collaboratively as a mechanism to support partnership and multi-agency responses for the most at-risk children and families within South Australia.

CFSNs are operationalised as a shared approach to managing risk and ensuring that children’s rights and safety are a sector-wide responsibility. This includes an emphasis on assertive engagement with the most vulnerable children and families in our communities, to improve the social, health, and wellbeing outcomes for infants, children, young people, and their families in South Australia. There are 16 CFSNs across South Australia.

Page last updated 5 June 2023