Homelessness Supportive Housing Program
The Homelessness Supportive Housing Program provides accommodation to people with complex needs. These people require intensive case management and support to maintain their tenancy.
SA Homelessness Alliances, SA Housing Trust and community housing providers co-operate to deliver the program. The Alliances involve multiple support providers, including four in the regions and one state-wide domestic and family violence alliance.
To use the program, the person must be engaged in case management with a SA Homelessness Alliance or Domestic and Family Violence Alliance provider. The Alliances assess the person's eligibility and provide case management and support once they’re housed.
SA Housing Trust and community housing providers make properties available for the program and manage the tenancies and properties.
Read more about eligibility, assessment, and related information at SA Housing Trust
Transitional Housing Program
The Transitional Housing Program provides accommodation to people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless and need a period of transitional support to establish and maintain a tenancy.
The program is delivered through a partnership between Specialist Homelessness Services (support provider) mainly within the SA Homelessness Alliances, SA Housing Trust and Community Housing providers. Community Housing Providers are responsible for the property and tenancy management.
The SA Homelessness Alliances, which involve multiple support providers include four regional homelessness alliances and a state-wide domestic and family violence alliance. The Alliances, together with the housing providers work collaboratively to maintain safe and supportive accommodation that addresses issues affecting the person’s ability to get and keep accommodation.
This program does not provide long-term accommodation.