It is with great pride that Tutti Arts received its Certificate of Accreditation in the Australian Service Excellence Standards. This allowed Tutti to fine tune quality systems, like administering medication, motor vehicle use, and critical incidents and people compliance. The standards helped to drive a continuous improvement agenda for professional development and lever Tutti Arts to experience continued growth.
Dorothy O’Brien, Tutti Arts
ASES was such a rewarding experience. My staff and I gained so much from the process…it was a bit like a spring clean, with many small but neglected jobs identified and completed. Teamwork was outstanding as we all pulled together to fulfil the requirements. Yes, the outcome, the destination was wonderful but it was the process of getting there, the journey that has had lasting effects. Thank you for all your help with ASES.
Eve Barratt, Lifeline South East
Directly working with young people and assisting them in addressing their challenges has always been our priority. However; the accreditation process helped us recognise that whilst we were meeting the service outcomes for young people that these services would benefit from having a more structured framework with streamlined processes which our organisation now have as a result of our ASES journey and achieving ASES.
Jo Jones, Plaza Youth Centre
ASES has been a gift to all of us here at Burdekin. It has reaffirmed the great work we do here with our young people and also sparked some creative innovations and will continue to guide our practice and service modelling.
Stephanie Mason, The Burdekin Association