On this page you can find a range of LGBTIQA+ friendly support options for:
- Counselling/support phone lines
- LGBTIQA+ services in South Australia
- Rights and advocacy organisations
- Other informative websites
You can find further LGBTIQA+ services, events and community groups on these websites:
You can email the DHS Social Inclusion Policy and Partnerships team at DHS.SocialInclusion@sa.gov.au
Counselling / support phone lines
Qlife provides anonymous and free LGBTIQA+ peer support and referral for people in Australia wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.
Phone 1800 184 527
Online chat service
Beyondblue promotes good mental health and supports individuals, families and communities affected by anxiety, depression and suicide.
Phone 1300 224 636
Online chat service
Lifeline provides 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services.
Phone 13 11 14
Online chat service
Online text service
LGBTIQA+ Services in South Australia
Bfriend offers free peer support for LGBTIQA+ people in South Australia. Community workers provide a safe space to discuss gender or sexuality, share information on community groups, and connect people with peer volunteers for support or attending events. Bfriend also assists service providers and offers workplace training.
Phone 1800 615 677
Email Bfriend@unitingcommunities.org
Catalyst Foundation
The Catalyst Foundation hosts social groups for LGBTIQA+ people over 50 and provides LGBTIQA+ inclusion training for workplaces, including specialist training about LGBTIQA+ domestic and family violence.
Phone 8168 8776
Email information@catalystfoundation.com.au
Peace Multicultural Services (Relationships Australia SA)
Peace Multicultural Services is a program of Relationships Australia SA (RASA) that helps people achieve happy and healthy lives.
Their Unidos service provides free counselling, information and resources to LGBTIQA+ people from diverse cultural backgrounds and can also work with people’s families and friends.
Phone 8245 8110 (Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm)
Email askpeace@rasa.org.au
Pink Parents Adelaide - Rainbow Connection Playgroups for LGBTIQA+ Families
Pink Parents is Adelaide's largest community of LGBTQIA+ families that aims to foster community connections through weekly playgroups, monthly meet ups, and other events such as an annual camp.
Email pinkparentsadelaide@gmail.com
SAMESH (South Australian Mobilisation and Empowerment for Sexual Health)
SAMESH provides support, education and training about Sexual Health and HIV for men who have sex with men and people living with HIV, as well as services for the broader LGBTQIA+ community. Services include counselling, peer support and health promotion.
Phone 7099 5300
Email samesh-enquiries@samesh.org.au
SHINE SA - Sexual Health Information Networking and Education SA
SHINE SA delivers sexual health and relationship wellbeing services for everyone. They have Rainbow Tick accreditation.
SHINE SA also provides Gender Connect Country SA, a free and confidential service for gender diverse people living in regional South Australia. This service is delivered by peer workers with lived experience of gender diversity.
Phone general enquiries on 8300 5300
Phone Gender Connect Country SA on 7099 5390 (Monday to Thursday from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm)
Email info@shinesa.org.au
Thorne Harbour Health
Thorne Harbour Health in a LGBTIQA+ community-controlled health organisation that provides mental health and alcohol and other drug services to LGBTIQA+ people in Adelaide.
Phone 7078 4128
Email thhsa@thorneharbour.org
Women’s and Children’s Hospital Gender Diversity Service
The Women’s and Children’s Hospital has a specialist team for support of transgender and gender diverse youth.
Phone 8161 8752
Email Health.WCHGDClinicNurse@sa.gov.au
Women’s Safety Services SA
Women’s Safety Services can support most LGBTIQA+ people who are experiencing family or domestic violence. In cases where they cannot assist, they can provide referrals to other support services.
Phone the Domestic Violence Crisis Line on 1800 800 098 (24-hour service)
Victim Support Services: Safer Spaces victim support line
Safer Spaces victim support line provides free and confidential telephone support to victim-survivors of crime and abuse who are navigating the criminal justice system.
Phone: 1800 842 846 (9.00am and 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday)
Online contact form
Email: enquiries@victimsa.org
Rights and advocacy (South Australian specific)
Council on the Ageing SA – Rainbow Rights Toolkit
COTA SA has developed a Rainbow Rights Toolkit to provide older LGBTI+ people with information about their human rights on topics such as housing, health, and overcoming discrimination.
Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner
The Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner helps consumers with complaints about health or community services.
Phone 8226 8666
Country callers 1800 232 007
Email info@hcscc.sa.gov.au
Rainbow Hub SA - for people over 50
Rainbow Hub SA is a community-led organisation that provides a voice for older LGBTI+ people in South Australia. They host events such as a monthly lunch, and advocate for the rights of older LGBTI+ people.
South Australian Rainbow Advocacy Alliance (SARAA)
SARAA is a community-led organisation that advocates for changes to laws, policies, and practices contributing to discrimination, marginalisation, and inequality experienced by LGBTIQA+ South Australians.
Email info@saraa.org.au
Rights and advocacy (National and Interstate)
Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council
Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council advocates for the rights of multicultural and multi-faith LGBTIQA+ communities through research, education, and community events.
Email contact@agmc.org.au
Australian Human Rights Commission
Australian Human Rights Commission is an independent statutory organisation, established by an act of Federal Parliament. They protect and promote human rights.
Phone 1300 656 419
Other websites
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia is a national peak body providing health-related programs, services and research.
Phone (02) 7209 6301
Email info@lgbtiqhealth.org.au
Rainbow Directory SA
Rainbow Directory SA is an online directory with information about LGBTIQA+ inclusive services, community groups and more throughout South Australia.