Volunteer through DHS

Volunteering can provide the chance to meet new people, share knowledge and experience and learn new skills, while giving something back to the community.

There are many different volunteering opportunities available across the Department of Human Services (DHS).

Volunteer with the Community Visitor Scheme

Community Visitors are trained volunteers who work in pairs to visit and inspect the facilities, and engage with as many clients as possible to hear about their experiences. They also make inquiries into client care and treatment.

Community Visitors first communicate any issues to staff at the facility to try and resolve matters. They also provide the Principal Community Visitor with a written report on their visit.

Further information, including who can apply and how to apply, can be found on the Community Visitor Scheme website.

Help support the Women's Information Service

Volunteers at Women’s Information Service (WIS) work with women from all different walks of life. WIS have two areas of volunteering:

WIS Shopfront and Community Engagement

WIS shopfront volunteers provide information and referrals to women who call the WIS phone line or visit WIS. There are also opportunities to volunteer at community events on WIS stalls and to provide talks  to student groups about WIS.

Family Court Support

WIS Family Court Support volunteers attend court with women who don’t have friends or family to provide support. Many of the cases involve a history of domestic violence and the court process can be daunting and difficult to navigate. WIS volunteers provide information about the court and its processes, sit with the woman before and during the hearing and provide a listening ear.

Find out more about volunteering opportunities at the Women’s Information Service website or phone 8303 0590.

Other volunteering opportunities

There are many other volunteering opportunities available across South Australia. Volunteer work is available in:

  • the arts
  • community services
  • education
  • the environment
  • emergency services
  • health
  • sport and recreation
  • tourism, and more!

How you can become a volunteer and help others

Page last updated 23 July 2024