Adding Assessments via Bulk Import


Downloading the bulk import template

Creating assessments: There are a couple ways to create Assessments in the R2D2 system. Again, following kind of the same principles as adding clients to the system: there's direct entry and there's bulk import.

Direct entry

First, I’m going to demo direct entry. Again, there's a couple ways that you can get to this point. In general I recommend going to the client section [in the centre of the screen, second column, first box] searching for the client that you wish to assess, [use the search field in the middle of the screen] clicking on that client's name, and then clicking on these three stacked lines [the hamburger menu above 'client details'] to bring up this 'create assessment' button. [Click on that button].

So now it brings up this Administration screen called 'create assessment', where the client name is already pre-populated there for you, which is really great, which is what we like to see.

The next thing we need to decide is what template we're going to assess the client against. Use the drop-down menu to see there's basically two options at the moment and they're the identically named templates. So I’m set up in a training organisation that's perhaps only funded to deliver Family Support Services and report against that in R2D2. There are some organisations that have a wide variety of different templates to choose from so if that's the case, you need to be really clear on the template name. But the other thing to be mindful of is the months in the title. So, there's as you can see Jan and 'Jul' for July. So, the month basically refers to the first month in the reporting period.

So, if I’m wanting to assess a client against the Jan to June period, I would be selecting the template marked Jan. If I’m wanting to assess this client against the July to December period, I’d be selecting the template marked 'Jul'.

So let's assess the client against the July to September template.

For phase you can have a choice of either doing pre-service or post-service. Use the drop-down to select. Pre-service is generally data collected at the start of service, so it represents a bit of a baseline assessment and it's not something you need to be completing every six months. You do it once and then that covers the client for the duration of the time that they're involved.

Post-service is a bit of a misnomer. We recommend doing post-service on a regular basis. Generally the recommendation is once every six months, or once every quarter if you report on a quarterly basis, including when the client is still active, even if they haven't actually finished their service, and that allows us to track progress against outcomes.

For the sake of this exercise, let's say that the client just needs his post-service assessment done, so I’m going to select that in the drop-down and I’m going to select 'create' button.

The screen changes to show a 'client engagement' section. The 'administration' component automatically populates with today's date in the Assessment date and Engagement start fields. Click in either field to alter the date. Say that the client actually joined back in January and he likely had a pre-service assessment in that Jan to June period. But now I’m assessing him in that July to December period. The date can be changed to meet those dates.

In the 'client engagement' section, what's the client's current engagement status of the program or service? Click the round buttons to show the correct factors, and complete the text fields that apply. Use the 'update' button at the bottom of the page.

That assessment saves, but it saves in draft status. See the Status = draft at the bottom of the administration panel. Until you click the 'Mark as completed button' above the 'administration' panel, this assessment is not going to get counted towards the submission. So, it's really important that if you're happy with the contents of the assessment that you click 'Mark as completed.' That will ensure the assessment gets counted towards the submission which you submit to DHS, generally on a six-monthly basis.

An alert advises you that the assessment has been completed. To clear the alert, use the X in the right side of the alert.

So that has now been completed. It will get counted towards the submission and I'll demonstrate in another video how to create a submission.

If you make a mistake

If you mark an assessment as completed and then you see a mistake, if you have administrator level access, you can click the 'revert completed' button above the 'administration' panel and that will enable you to go back into the assessment and edit it.

Now that I've completed that, I can go back to the home menu. Click 'home'  under the client's name at the top of the screen.

Importing the bulk assessments import template — you do this from the Schedules section

I’m going to go back to the schedule [go to Home, Schedule], and if I’m wanting to import assessments, go to the 'Schedule RBA Templates' panel, choose a template and hover the mouse through the three stacked dots on the far right of the schedule. A small menu displays. Click import assessments.

A new page displays.

So, I’m going to import some pre-service assessments.

Step 1: I’m going to choose my file using the 'choose file' button at the bottom of the screen.

Step 2: Once you choose your file, you need to match the column headers to your data. So it's basically making sure that the fields in R2D2 are reading the correct columns on the spreadsheet. Suburb is matching a suburb, postcode to postcode, gender to gender. Use the drop-down fields to adjust if necessary.

If you make a mistake, click 'previous' button to try again.

When data matching looks correct, go to the top of the screen and click the 'next' button.

Step 3 is allowing the computer to process the data and alert you to any errors.

If you make a mistake

To view errors, click the export errors button at the top of the page. This will show you an Excel spreadsheet.

In this example, the assessment date fell outside the Jan to June 2022 reporting period (it was in July 2022).

If you discover you have errors on your bulk import template, cancel the import process and use the error report to guide you to fix your original bulk import template.

The fix in this instance was to re-upload the corrected bulk import assessment template, and check the column matching. That is, to repeat steps 1 and 2.

With mistakes corrected

So, this time: total rows one, rows with valid data one, rows with invalid data zero. So, that's looking good. That means my data's going to import successfully.

So I click 'next', and valid data will be imported.

An alert displays: Do you wish to continue? Click the Okay button.

Step 4: Computer imports data

And now if I go back home and go to clients [Go to 'Home' under the Template header at the top of the page, then the 'clients' menu] , I reset the filter [Go to the second of the displayed panels and click on 'reset' next to the search button]. I can see that the new client has been added to the system and that the assessment has been successfully uploaded for her as well.

So that's how you bulk import assessments to the system.

Page last updated 3 February 2025