Creating Submissions: Individual and Aggregate Submissions


Creating submissions

[Screen displays: Reminders — R2D2 has a time out function. Save regularly! It is recommended that you type up written responses in Word and then copy and paste into the submission.

For Individual Submissions, most data will be pre-populated on the submission from the assessments and clients you have added to R2D2.]

Go to the schedule section (top left of screen).

Create an individual submission

Find the schedule that I’m interested in creating a submission for (under Reference section, in the centre of the screen. In this case, schedule TRO-269-07).

So, let's say I want to create a submission for the Jan to June period (see Schedule RBA Templates section, then, for this example, the bottom option where start date is 01 Jan 2022 and end date is 30 Jun 2022).

Hover the mouse over the three stacked dots (at the far right of the text row. A popup screen with several action options appears), and from the options available, click Create Practitioner Submission.

That creates a draft submission.

To edit it, click the blue edit button (top left of screen, new screen opens).

Fill in missing information (the example has empty fields under ‘Participation and Assessments’). A lot of the data will come through pre-populated depending on how many assessments you've completed.

Scroll down to check all sections.

In this example, no post service assessments have been completed, so likely before I’d actually want to submit this I would want to do some post-service assessments.

In ‘Story behind the data’ — that's an opportunity to provide some written explanation of any Trends — a few sentences or a paragraph will do. It doesn't need to be pages and pages and I would recommend with any kind of written information writing it up in Microsoft Word and then copying and pasting over.

Sometimes you get some questions at the end of your submission (under ‘Additional Information About Your Program/Service). Again, it's just looking for a qualitative explanation of what’s happening for your service. It doesn't require data and percents as previous questions did.

I recommend typing it up in Word and copying and pasting, because R2D2 does have a timeout function and that can sometimes catch people out — they forget to save, and R2D2 will time you out even if you’re still typing.

Again a paragraph or two for these questions is generally sufficient  and it's just getting that qualitative explanation.

Client demographics are based on the information inputted at the point of client entry and it's why we encourage you to enter those demographics at that point. It’s because it will make you provide an answer in order to finalise those assessments to get it counted towards the submission.

Save at the bottom button ‘Save For Later’. The screen opens again at the top.

And now that it's saved, it's saved in draft.

I do actually need to save this New and Returning Count in order to be able to submit and I’m going to show you what that looks like.

Under ‘Participation and Assessments’, complete the empty fields.

The key thing here is that the ‘Number of unique participants assessed in this period’ must be equal to or smaller than the sum of the numbers recorded at ‘Number of new participants active in this period’ and ‘Number of returning participants active in this period’.

Scroll down to the very bottom and click ‘Save for later’. Screen opens again at the top.

Click the green Submit button.

Message appears: ‘Please scroll down and confirm Submission’.

Scroll down to the very bottom and at Confirmation, check the box next to ‘Are you sure’, and then click ‘Submit’.

A new screen opens, confirming the submission.

[Screen displays: You can view submitted or draft submissions in the ‘Submissions’ section of R2D2.

DHS only has access to submissions once they have been ‘submitted’.

For Aggregate Submissions, there is no data pre-populated because you do not add Clients or create Assessments.

Therefore, you simply create the submission and enter all data into the submission directly. ]

Create an aggregate submission (time stamp 4.52)

I’m now going to show you how to create an aggregate submission.

Go to Schedules (top left of screen). Under ‘References’, click on a line item. A new screen opens.

Going to go to this EFA one and I've you know got a couple templates under Schedule RBA Templates at the bottom of the screen.

They're monthly templates in this case. I have a lot less options from the pop-up menu, but I’m going to click create submission for the June 2022 report (cursor moves to three stacked dots at the end of the second row, popup appears with two options, cursor moves to ‘Create submission’ option. ‘Administration’ screen for this report opens).

And this brings up the submission and you can see there's no data entered this time so basically I need to input all of the information in one go (cursor moves to ‘Edit’ button in top left of screen) because for aggregate submissions I don't add clients or create assessments I simply input the information all directly into the report once I've created it.

(Screen scrolls down) so number of attendances, so let's say I had 100 attendances (inputs in field) you know 400 support occurrences (inputs in field). Input you know all these answers and make sure that it adds up to that number 400.

And I’d also like to point out that these questions which relate to attendees or calculating percentages based on this figure entered here (cursor hovers around fields under ‘WHO’) so for example if I say that yes 80 attendees for international students that 80 divided by 100 is 80 which is why that is displaying there (cursor points to percentage field).

So it's important to kind of understand the logic of how these number and percent questions work and they relate to that top score again we've got some questions that require a written response and I would recommend copying and pasting a written response from Microsoft Word. I've also got these demographics to respond to.

The only other comment I would make is if you find yourself in a situation where you don't have any  you didn't have any like attendees during the period for whatever reason, if you change this from standard to no assessed participants (cursor moves to ‘submissions scope’ that provides three drop-down options) that changes this score to zero. It removes those number and percent questions and it just keeps questions that apply at an organisational level.

So if you didn't have any attendances you likely didn't have any support occurrences and you would need to just put zeros in for these questions (narrator ads 0 to field) and then provide a description here (scrolled down to ‘Demand Update’ section). So it might be about the fact that there is  maybe no demand in the reporting period or that you had to close the service for whatever reason in this hypothetical because we've had zero attendances, and you'd also provide a description about partners and you'd click that (cursor moves to ‘Save for later button’) save for later when you were done writing it all, so I can do that quickly (narrator adds 0 to all empty fields).

Just for the sake of this going to show you what happens if we save it to draft.

So that's saved and draft (cursor back at top of screen). One thing I just want to show you is if I go home (welcome screen appears) and I go to submissions (cursor goes to ‘Submissions’ button and opens submissions page) that's there (cursor hovers over top line under Schedule RBA Register column) viewable and draft and I can click on that (opens new screen) and then click edit (cursor clicks edit button) if I do see a need to fill in some more information.

But I’m happy with that (scrolls down to bottom of page) so I can just you know click save, click submit (clicks buttons at top of page) please scroll down and confirm submission (cursor clicks tick box under ‘Confirmation’ section). So I do that tick box again to say yes I’m confirming I want to and then I click submit (click submit button) and now that's been submitted.

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Page last updated 21 February 2025