Aboriginal Connections Team Community Forums coming up in August!

Aboriginal Connections Team Community Forums coming up in August!

You mob should know! Aboriginal Family information session

Yarn with the Aboriginal Connections Team and learn about FREE services available to support your family

This August the Aboriginal Connections Team (ACT) will be hosting family information sessions about the Child & Family Support System (CFSS) across Northern, Western and Southern metropolitan Adelaide.

Following the ACT Workforce Forum on 27 July, aimed to grow cross-departmental collaboration within the sector, these three new-launched sessions are an opportunity for Aboriginal families and communities to meet the ACT, yarn together and learn about free family support services to help children to grow up strong, safe and in the community.

Early family support services will be available on site to provide information and help to families in their parenting journey, including:

  • Adults Supporting Kids (ASK) website
  • Parenting SA
  • Families Growing Together
  • Community Development Coordinators Program
  • Aboriginal Interpreting Service (ALIS)
  • Metropolitan Aboriginal Youth and Family Services (MAYFS)

Event details

Wednesday 9 August, 10am: Junction community Centre (WEST)

Thursday 17 August, 10am: Hackham West Community Centre (SOUTH)

Tuesday 23 August, 10am: Playford Civic Centre (NORTH)

Click HERE to register to any of the three sessions available.

Morning tea will be provided, as well as a wide range of fun activities to keep kids entertained, including a yellow brick road game and goodie bags to collect special prizes.

The Aboriginal Connection Team

ACT helps to match families to local services and work to ensure that children are safe at home, and that cultural parenting practices are respected and family choice and decision making is prioritised.

ACT team ensures parents/caregivers receive ‘truth telling’ information about their rights and responsibilities as caregivers, and help organising further support within the Child & Family Support System (CFSS) to help keep their children and young people safe, strong, resilient, and happy.

Read more information about the Child and Family Support System.

For any queries about the Aboriginal Family Information sessions, please contact Tarnlee Butler at  DLDHSAboriginalConnectionsTeam@sa.gov.au

Page last updated 14 July 2023