Disability Outcome Statement 28 February 2024

Update as at 28 February 2024

The Disability Minister’s Advisory Council (the Council) met for the 1st Quarter meeting on the 28 February 2024, to discuss work currently being undertaken to support outcomes for individuals with disability at the state and national level.

The Minister provided an update on the work being done to support disability accessibility and inclusion including the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability and the NDIS Review. The Minister also provided the Council with an update on the sale of Highgate Park and the Royal Commission Into Domestic and Family Violence.

The Department of Human Services (DHS) provided the Council with an update on the Draft Autism Strategy and the State Disability Inclusion Plan Consultation. The Council were also advised of updates to the Pavely app and DHS current work to support the National Disability agenda.

The Council was joined by Associate Professor Amanda Muller and Dr James Scheibner from Flinders University to discuss ongoing concerns regarding ride refusal by taxis and rideshare operators for individuals with assistance animals. DHS representatives worked with the Council to draft recommended responses for the Minister.

The Disability Minister’s Advisory Council will next meet on 12 June 2024.

Page last updated 18 June 2024