Youth Outcome Statement 29 February 2024

Update as at 29 February 2024

The Youth Minister’s Advisory Council met for their first meeting of 2024 on Thursday 29 February. Along with meeting the Minister, the Council met with representatives from Department for Education, Department for Infrastructure and Transport and the SA Youth Forum.

The Minister advised the Council there will be legislation throughout the year she would like them to be consulted on including the review of the Carer’s Recognition Act and e-Scooter Bill. The Council also discussed housing affordability and the new rental reforms with the Minister. The Minister provided information on the new housing developments in Oaklands Park and the renting with pet reforms.

In their meeting with representatives with the Department for Education, the Council was informed of exclusion rates, and the supports in place children and young people at risk of not engaging at school.

The Council was joined virtually by a representative from the Department for Infrastructure and Transport to discuss their concerns regarding public transport accessibility in regional areas. The Council was advised a review is being undertaken to improve the accessibility to regional transport and to contribute the review, the Council shared their concerns.

In their discussion with the founder of the SA Youth Forum, the Council found that both groups have similar concerns and interests including housing, cost of living, access and inclusion and climate change. As a result of this meeting, Youth Minister’s Advisory Council and the SA Youth Forum want to meet and explore opportunities to work together further in the future.

The Youth Minister’s Advisory Council will next meet on 30 May 2024.

Page last updated 4 April 2024