ASES Activity Form

Do you plan to do the Australian Service Excellence Standards (ASES) Recognition level (formerly STARservice) or Australian Service Excellence Standards (ASES) Certificate or Award level ?
What activity do you wish to do? You can choose more than one option
If accessing the workbooks and evidence guides - which level are you interested in?

If answered Yes to "Book an external assessment" - please detail key programs and services provided at each of your service delivery sites.

Scope of Assessment
Please upload a document that lists every location and the key services provided at each one.
(Word, Excel, PDF or Text documents accepted)

Your organisation
State or Territory *
State or Territory
Head of Organisation
Numbers only, max 10 digits.
Key Contact Person
Please ensure that the person selected to be the ASES key contact has been endorsed by management within your organisation.
Numbers only, max 10 digits.
Which level of ASES workbooks and evidence guides would you like to receive? Certificate level must be attained and maintained in order to be accredited at the Award level.
To reduce red tape, our assessors view any equivalent standard that you may need to meet. These requirements could be Out of Home Care Standards, Community Housing or other Commonwealth Standards. By gathering information about the range of quality programs or standards in use, you may wish to undertake a joint review. The assessors can tailor approaches to better support your quality-related needs and streamline the accreditation process. Please list the range of standards that you need to meet.

Page last updated 11 February 2025