Text descriptions of graphics

Child Wellbeing Program Service Flow

  1. Referral request. Only pre-approved agency partner referrals will be accepted via CFSS pathways service.
  2. Referral screening.
  3. Consultation —cultural consultation process / Domestic and family violence consultation process
  4. Service matching (Completed through iApply)
  5. Service request (Generated and sent out to SFS supervisor)
  6. Regional allocation (Assessment and allocation to SFS programs)
  7. Allocation (Completed by SFS supervisor)
  8. Service provision (Implemented by CWP practitioners)

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Child Wellbeing Practitioner Flow Chart

  1. CWP referral received from CFSS Pathways Service.
  2. CWP Supervisor: allocate to CWP Practitioner and open C3MS case.
  3. Allocated CWP Practitioner: Upload referral to C3MS and develop initial contact plan.
  4. Cultural Consult.
  5. CWP Commence Client Engagement.
  6. If client accepts service, go to step 9.
  7. Client declines service. Document on C3MS.
  8. Case closure C3MS. Go to step 17.
  9. Client Accepts Service. Client ‘engagement and confidentiality form’ and ‘exchange of information form’.
  10. Assessment and Planning documented on C3MS.
  11. Service Delivery: Direct Case Work with children, young people and their families.
  12. Assertive Engagement.
  13. Assessment and case planning.
  14. Implementation and monitoring.
  15. Transition.
  16. Service closure to be completed on C3MS.
  17. Follow cycle of plan, implement, evaluate.

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Strong Start Service Flow

  1. Referral request. Only pre-approved agency partner referrals will be accepted via CFSS pathways service.
  2. Referral screening
  3. Consulation – Cultural consultation process / Domestic and Family Violence Consultation Process
  4. Service matching (Completed through iApply)
  5. Service request (Generated and sent out to regional allocation meeting (RAM))
  6. Regional Allocation (Assessment and allocation to SFS programs)
  7. Allocation (Completed by Strong Start supervisor)
  8. Service provision (Implemented by Strong Start practitioner)

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Strong Start Flow Chart

  1. Strong Start referral Received from CFSS Pathways Service.
  2. Strong Start Supervisor: Allocate to Strong Start Practitioner and open C3MS case.
  3. Allocated Strong Start Practitioners: Upload referral to C3MS. Develop initial contact plan.
  4. Cultural Consult.
  5. Strong Start Commence Client Engagement.
  6. If client accepts service, go to step 8.
  7. If client declines service, go to step 16.
  8. Client Accepts Service. Client ‘engagement and confidentiality form’ & ‘exchange of information form’.
  9. Assessment and Planning Document on C3MS.
  10. Service Delivery: Direct Case Work with infants, children, and Families
  11. Assertive Engagement.
  12. Assessment and Case Planning.
  13. Implementation and Monitoring.
  14. Transition.
  15. Service Closure. To be completed on C3MS. Go to step 19.
  16. Client Declines Service. Document on C3MS.
  17. Strong Start Contacts Referrer.
  18. Case Closed C3MS.
  19. Follow cycle: Evaluate, Plan, Implement.

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Family practitioner service flow

  1. Referral request. (Only pre-approved agency partner referrals will be accepted via CFSS pathways service)
  2. Referral screening.
  3. Consultation — cultural consultation process and domestic and family violence consultation process.
  4. Service matching (completed through iApply).
  5. Service request (Generated and sent out to SFS supervisor).
  6. Regional allocation (Assessment and allocation to SFS programs).
  7. Allocation (Completed by SFS supervisor).
  8. Service provision (Implemented by family practitioners).

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Family Practitioner Flow Chart Plain Text

  1. FP referral received from CFSS Pathways Service.
  2. FP Supervisor: allocate to FP Practitioner and open C3MS case.
  3. Allocated FP Practitioner: upload referral to C3MS Develop initial contact plan.
  4. Cultural Consult
  5. FP Commence Client Engagement
  6. If client accepts service, go to step 9.
  7. Client Declines Service. Document on C3MS.
  8. Case closure C3MS. Go to step 17.
  9. Client Accepts Service. Client ‘engagement and confidentiality form’ and ‘exchange of information form’.
  10. Assessment and Planning documented on C3MS.
  11. Service Delivery: Direct Case Work with children, young people and their families.
  12. Assertive Engagement
  13. Assessment and Case planning
  14. Implementation and Monitoring
  15. Transition
  16. Service Closure to be completed on C3MS.
  17. Implement cycle of plan, implement, evaluate.

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Safe Start service flow

  1. Referral request: Only pre-approved agency partner referrals will be accepted via CFSS Pathways Service
  2. Referral screening
  3. Consultation:
    • Cultural consultation process
    • Domestic and family violence consultation process
  4. Service matching: Completed through iApply
  5. Service request: Generated and sent via iApply
  6. Regional Allocation: Assessment and allocation to IFS programs
  7. Allocation: Completed by Safe Start Supervisor
  8. Service provision: Implemented by Safe Start Practitioner.

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Safe Start Flow Chart

  1. Safe Start referral received from CFSS Pathways Service.
  2. Safe Start Supervisor allocates to Safe Start Practitioner and opens C3MS case.
  3. Allocated Safe Start Practitioner uploads referral to C3MS and develops initial contact plan.
  4. Cultural consult conducted.
  5. Safe Start commences client engagement.
  6. If the client declines the service, document on C3MS. Safe Start contacts the referrer. Go to step  11.
  7. If the client accepts the service, complete client engagement and confidentiality form and exchange of information form.
  8. Carry out assessment and planning and document on C3MS.
  9. Service delivery will involve direct case work with children, young people and their families. It covers:
    • Assertive engagement
    • Assessment and case planning
    • Implementation and monitoring
    • Transition
  10. During service delivery, Safe Start practitioner continually evaluates, plans, implements with families
  11. Upon closure of service, complete documentation in C3MS.
  12. Cycle of evaluate, plan, implement.

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Child and Family Support System Pathways Service -  Referral Process (Metro)

  1. Referral request to CFSS pathways service from approved referrers.
  2. CFSS pathways assessment and referral screening. CFSS pathways senior practitioner reviews case.
  3. CFSS pathways staff consultation if required: cultural consultation process and/or domestic and family violence consultation process.
  4. Service request. CFSS pathways staff complete CFSS family assessment form.
  5. Service matching to CFSN location.
  6. CFSN coordinator and SFS supervisor receive request. Refer to CFSN referral process.
  7. Present to CFSN. Refer to CFSN referral process.

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CFSN allocation process (Metro)

  1. Receive workflow. Accept or decline (supervisor). Document in C3MS outcome. Service re-matching if required (iApply).
  2. C3MS: open case to location.
  3. CFSN MS teams Metro locked page. Upload CFSS family assessment form. Place CFSS family assessment form in folder “Part B referral documents“. Title convention: family name, youngest child first name: date presented to CFSN, C3MS #.
  4. CFSN MS teams. Add data to CFSN data sheet specific to location.
  5. CFSN MS teams: add to agenda under new case with date being presented.
  6. Present at CFSN.
  7. Identify lead agency and record actions. Add any other agency involvement and actions.
  8. Record outcome family assessment form. Document actions on form from CFSN meeting. Upload updated CFSS family assessment form with new actions.
  9. Record details onto data collection sheet. Fill in data sheet with outcomes and actions as per data fields.
  10. Allocation: lead agency identified at CFSN. Completed at the CFSN meeting. Remove from agenda and close case on C3MS.
  11. Service rematch through iApply. CFSN coordinator to complete this task.

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Child and Family Support System Pathways Service -  Referral Process (Regional)

  1. Referral request to CFSS pathways service from approved referrers.
  2. CFSS pathways assessment and referral screening. CFSS pathways senior practitioner review of case.
  3. CFSS pathways staff consultation if required: cultural consultation process and/or domestic and family violence consultation process.
  4. Service request. CFSS pathways staff complete CFSS family service form.
  5. Service matching to CFSN regional location.
  6. CFSN support coordinator and regional supervisor receive request. Refer to CFSN referral process.
  7. Present to CFSN. Refer to CFSN referral process.

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CFSN allocation process (Regional)

  1. Receive workflow. Accept or decline (supervisor). Document in C3MS outcome. Service re-matching if required (iApply).
  2. C3MS: open case to location.
  3. CFSN MS teams regional locked page. Upload CFSS family assessment form. Place CFSS family assessment form in folder “Part B referral documents“. Title convention: family name, youngest child first name: date presented to CFSN, C3MS #.
  4. CFSN MS teams. Add data to CFSN data sheet specific to location.
  5. CFSN MS teams: add to agenda under new case with date being presented.
  6. Present at CFSN.
  7. Identify lead agency and record actions. Add any other agency involvement and actions.
  8. Record outcome family assessment form. Document actions on form from CFSN meeting. Upload updated CFSS family assessment form with new actions.
  9. Record details onto data collection sheet. Fill in data sheet with outcomes and actions as per data fields.
  10. Allocation: lead agency identified at CFSN. Completed at the CFSN meeting. Remove from agenda and close case on C3MS.
  11. Service rematch through iApply. CFSN coordinator to complete this task.

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Page last updated 31 May 2024