SA Youth Action Plan

Strong Futures: The SA Youth Action Plan (2020–2022) concluded in December 2022. The Department of Human Services is currently working on developing a new youth plan for South Australia and is engaging with key stakeholders, including young people.

The new SA Youth Action Plan aims to ensure the South Australian Government better meets the needs of young people, by delivering fairer and more equitable access to opportunities, resources and supports.


In mid-2023, the South Australian Government invited all young people living in SA aged 12-25 and organisations that support young people to participate in a public consultation for South Australia’s next Youth Action Plan.

Consultation has now concluded and we thank everyone who took the time to share their views.

Here are the key themes that young people and youth stakeholders said matter to them:

  • Greater access to mental health support and services
  • Connection to services and activities available in the young person’s community
  • Increased access to age appropriate, affordable, and accessible sport and recreation activities or opportunities
  • More support with post-school pathways, including the teaching of `life skills’ or `how to adult’
  • Greater access to housing and rental accommodation
  • Inclusion in decision making.

Read the final Consultation report

SA Youth Action Plan - Youth Mental Wellbeing grant

Young people have identified access to mental health support as their key area of concern. In response, DHS is providing $180,000 in funding for the new SA Youth Action Plan Youth Mental Wellbeing grant.

Eligible organisations could apply for up to $15,000 to deliver community-based and peer-to-peer mental health support initiatives, with consideration being given to those targeting regional and remote locations.

Applications closed in February 2024 and the successful recipients will be announced during SA Youth Week in March.

Contact us

For more information, contact the DHS Social Inclusion team
Phone 8429 7737

Page last updated 21 February 2024