Our Journey to Safety and Wellbeing - Practitioner resource in plain text

Different families have different challenges. A range of tools have been developed to capture data at key points in a family’s journey in the Child and Family Support System (CFSS). These tools will help us to learn about the current circumstances, stressors, and strengths of the families that we work with to help us build a system-level understanding of our families, and to measure the impact of the services we provide.

Stages of Initial Assessment

Worries are raised

Someone identifies a family is showing signs of risk or vulnerability and needs additional support.

Referral is made

A request is made to connect the family with a service to support you to make positive changes and keep their children safe at home.

CFSS Pathways Service

Connects to…

Connected to child and family support service

The Pathways service assesses the family’s needs and strengths, to match them to the right type and intensity of service.

This initial assessment also helps us to collect baseline information about family safety, strengths, and needs. Data on referral decisions helps us monitor the appropriateness of referrals, service gaps and our system’s capacity to meet demand.

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After Initial Assessment

First Visit

Engagement starts with child and family support service

The CFSS worker talks to the family about why they are there, what they do, the child safety concerns and the importance of engaging with the service. They listen to the family’s story, worries, strengths and hopes.

End of Third Visit

Safety plan developed

This plan outlines immediate risks to child and family safety and sets clear, measurable safety goals to ensure their safety in the short term.

Within 6 Weeks

Family snapshot completed

This is completed at the start of engagement to capture data about a family’s current circumstances, stressors and strengths.

It helps us understand a family’s starting point, build a system-level understanding of the families we work with and measure the impact of our services.

Within 6 to 8 Weeks

Assessment completed

This is a more detailed assessment of a family’s current situation. It helps to identify what a family is doing well and areas where they need support to make changes.

Case plan developed

Informed by the assessment and by the family, the case plan is about working together on achieving goals to sustain children’s safety and to strengthen the family.

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Case plan implemented

The CFSS worker meets regularly with the family to help them achieve their case
plan goals. This includes connecting them to other supports, celebrating achievements, problem-solving challenges and planning next steps. The case plan is updated as goals
are achieved and needs change.

End of Support Journey

Follow-up family snapshot completed

The Family Snapshot questions are asked again.

It helps us capture a system-level picture of the types of challenges facing families and whether our services help them to improve family functioning over time.

Closure and Summary

Case closure summary completed. Closure and connections to community

This is to review progress with the family. It is a chance to acknowledge their achievements, and seek their feedback on what has worked, and what supports they may need to sustain positive changes.

It helps us to understand a family’s progress towards achieving case plan goals, barriers to achieving outcomes, engagement with other services and program effectiveness.

Safety and Wellbeing

Increased family safety and wellbeing

Our service is here to help keep children safe and well at home. This means helping them to sustain positive changes they have made through connections with other services and community support.

Our Outcomes Hierarchy helps guide our efforts across the CFSS toward the achievement of shared outcomes for children and families.

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Page last updated 26 May 2023