YJAIS multi-disciplinary screening assessment consent form page 1 - plain text
The youth justice assessment and intervention service team includes:
- Psychologists
- Speech pathologists
- Occupational therapists.
The team will be doing assessments with most of the young people at a AYTC over the next few weeks.
You will meet with three people who will meet with you for one hour at a time.
The team will talk to your case manager and teachers as well.
These assessments will help us to understand the difficulties that you may have that may make learning and doing things hard for you.
After the assessment we will give you and your case manager information about what you found easy (your strengths) or difficult to do. You can choose whether this information is shared with others to help you with learning and support.
YJAIS multi-disciplinary screening assessment consent form page 2 - plain text
The assessment will look at:
- Thinking
- Feeling
- Talking
- Listening
- Learning and Memory
- Behaviour
- Self-care
- How you react to different sensations.
I consent to participate in the YJIS screening assessment project.
Page last updated : 10 May 2022